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Sunday Morning
Saturday morning I was up early, had my quiet time, did my two miles, showered, dressed, and gathered some things for Mrs. G who is still at Mother Francis Hospital and left the house to drive to Tyler. My wife is on a Taco Bell kick so I stopped by and bought a number 5 without the sour cream and unsweetened ice tea. I also stopped by and bought her some Lorne Doones. She loves those cookies.

I then left to drive to Gainesville, TX., to preach for my friend Dr. Garry Way who pastors the CROSSROADS BAPTIST CHURCH. He and his dear wife just celebrated their 25th Anniversary at CROSSROADS.  I first met them in 1989. I have preached here many times and one of those was with Dr. Jack Hyles.

Zain and Stacey 

This morning the buildings were full, the spirit great, and the music exceptional. I taught my Sunday school lesson on “PUTTING THE PASSION IN COMPASSION” and preached my sermon “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!” There were 11 saved and 3 baptized. Two of the folks who received Christ and were baptized were Zain and his wife Stacey. They are from Pakistan and were very receptive to the Gospel. When it came time for baptism the Pastor’s son told me the baptistry heater was broken. Zain spoke up and said, “We don’t care if its cold. We need to do this!”

As the pastor was reading the names of the converts I left the front and started to go to the book table when a 6 or 7 year old little boy on the back row motioned for me to come to where he was seated.  I leaned over the pew and asked, “What is it son?” He said to me, “I prayed too! Doesn’t that count?” I talked to him for a minute and he said he wanted to get baptized too. I asked his mother and she started to weep and said it was OK. GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!

I will be preaching tonight at 7 pm. There was a Monday night meeting scheduled, but due to Mrs. G’s hospital stay it has been cancelled and I will be driving back in the morning to be with her.

Mrs. G had a catheter inserted in her chest yesterday as a method of allowing the antibiotics to enter directly into her system. Today after the service I called and she said they put her leg up and are going to check for possible blood clots because her leg started swelling. If her tests are OK they will allow her to come home Monday. I will be going directly to the hospital in the morning. She is amazing!

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