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Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt
meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all
that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then
thou shalt have good success.”
Several men were talking about why
they had achieved success. One man said the recession did not bother him for
he said he was a flop during the boom!
Joshua 1:8 is the only time in
the Scriptures where the word “success” is mentioned. Please take note of this?
The Bible does not say if you do these things you will be successful. Read
verse 8 again. It does not say that you will have success. It says that you
will have “good success.” There is a difference between “success” and “good
Good success is man doing what God made him to do
Madonna has sold her soul to the
devil and some call her a success. Britney Spears has sold her body and soul to
the devil. Some call her a success. Clint Eastwood is called a success, but
that is not “good success.” Some call Donald Trump a success, but that is not
“good success.” People called Michael Jackson a success, but that was not “good
On and on I could go with Kobe Bryant, Lebran James, Patten Manning,
etc., but “good success” is the only success mentioned by God as acceptable to
God according to the Scriptures for His children.
When you as a child of God run to
Satan’s world to find success you will fail at finding “good success” while
finding “success.” God wants for his people not to be a success but rather God
wants his people to have “good success.”

I do not want to be a success! I
want to have “good success.” What is “good success?” Good success is one doing
what God made him or her to do. Good success is not in having but being. If you
are born, live, die, and do not the thing or things that God put you here on
earth to do you are a miserable flop. God did not put His people here to win basketball, football, or baseball championships especially those whom He has called into His service.
You may flop with millions of
dollars in the bank, but you are still a flop. You may flop as a king of a
nation, as a movie star, as a NFL hall of famer, or as an inductee into
Cooperstown Hall of Fame for baseball players or win the NCAA Division I basketball championship.
God had a reason for your birth, life, and even death. You,
my friend, are no uh oh with God. God made you, my friend, on purpose. He has a
reason for your existence. God had a job for you to do and God made you for
that job.
Good success is doing it where God made man to do it
Hold it! Please do not
misunderstand me. The “what” takes precedence over the “where” of the will of
God, but no one should negate the “where.” I would rather a person be doing the
“what” in the wrong “where” than doing the wrong “what” in the right “where.”
If I am to be a “good success” I must do “what” God made me to do “where” God
made me to do it.
Good success is doing how God made me to do it
If a pastor were to take a poll
of what people would like in a church in the town where he pastors and then
made a church like what they wanted. He may be doing what God made him to do,
doing it where God made him to do it, but not “how” God made him to do it. That
would not be “good success.”
Those who are giving to the
people what they want in a church in order to build a big church may find
success but they will not find “good success.” They may have success without
being a success.
Marriages that are built on doing
the wrong “how” will not find “good success.” Child rearing that is built on
the wrong “how” will not find “good success.” Finances built on the wrong “how”
will not find “good success.” Businesses, families, and education built on the
wrong “how” will not find “good success.”
I may do “what” God wants me to
do “where” he wants me to do it, but if it is not “how” God wanted me to do it
then I cannot have “good success.” A well-known pastor who spoke many times at Sword of the Lord Conferences for Dr. John R. Rice years ago stood
before his people one Sunday and said he was wrong about standards and dropped
all standards at his church. His offerings went up. His drive-in attendance
went up. Some called him a success, but my friend that may be success, but it
is not “good success.”
There are two twin doctrines.
Soul winning and standards are those twins. I meet Liberty University graduates
all over America who know nothing of aggressive personal soul winning who beg
me for help. This is the same University founded by a soul winner in Dr. Jerry
Falwell. He was an aggressive soul winner and produced personally on a regular
basis. However, when the standards started to drop at the University so did the
aggressive soul winning.
Standards are the vehicle that
will carry aggressive personal soul winning to the next generation. If you
cannot say no to the Hollywood and have enough character and discipline to
guard your eye gate then you will not stay out on a bus route for 8 hours on a
So to have success without being
a success is in essence failure. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. would call it destroying the
orchard! We are to keep the orchard healthy and it will continue to produce
fruit for years to come. If a big church can be built on no standards and no
convictions then it may be a success, but it will not be “good success.”

Dr. Bob Jones Sr years ago dropped the University’s intercollegiate sports program because he saw carnality growing in his students and not spirituality.  But, this generation appears to think they are a whole lot smarter than Bob Jones Sr., and Jack Hyles.
Good success is doing “what” God
put me here to do, “where” God put me to do it, and “how” God meant for me to
do it. The question begs to be answered how may then someone have “good

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