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232 pages of Jack Hyles’ love and investment in the Sunday school ministry

Yesterday we received the final and approved book cover for “JACK HYLES’ PASSION FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL.” This book will provide insightful and powerful Biblical thoughts on what Jack Hyles used throughout his 5 decades of ministry. He was successful as well as being in the forefront of the Sunday school movement.

The unique perspective of this book is its focus on the pre-era of Hyles-Anderson College’s influence on the Sunday school of First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN.  The “World’s Largest Sunday School” award was given before HAC.  The post HAC influence in some ways overshadowed the real Sunday school of FBC. 

Most local churches will never have a college base of workers. The search into the Sunday school of pre-HAC days is vital to understanding how this ministry can aid local churches in reaching their Jerusalem. This can be accomplished in our day for Christ without the  benefit of a Bible college. 

I remember Brother Hyles limiting the HAC workers for work in the “A” Sunday school by setting a limit of 10%college involvement. I am convinced this book will help the cause of Christ in your town.

Once the books come off of the presses in MN they can be drop shipped to you within 3 to 4 days once coming off of the presses.  Pricing will be finalized next week. Stay tuned!

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