My younger brother Jerry, who works for UPS, arrived from work and I was able to talk my nephew Kevin into taking this picture with my new toy the iphone. Jerry and Ronnie certainly are great care takers of Mama. It was a busy day but a fruitful day getting a lot accomplished. Mama is doing very well for someone who is 97! We had a wonderful visit and I am looking forward to seeing my sister Faye Laverne and sister-in-law Nellie Rose tomorrow as I travel home. Nellie Rose had back surgery and an infection occurred which caused her to have to stay in the hospital a littler longer than expected but she is home now! Faye’s husband Bobby fell last week and had to go to the hospital for x-rays but he did not break any bones. He has had some real health issues. Faye will be home tomorrow to be with Bobby so I will be able to see her. Gotta love an older sister!