This has been a great week end and I am looking forward to tonight’s service. Alvin Martinez will be coming in to provide the special music. What a great Christian and what a a wonderful singer of Gospel songs. He is a staff member for Dr. Jack Treiber of North Valley Baptist Church. He has been used of God to build a great Sunday school class running over 200 and he started from scratch. However, the most important event of the day was the competition for the Callaghan Cup! I am sorry to report that I lost the Callaghan Cup to Dr. Callaghan! His son, David, kept the score because he said he did not trust either one of us to do so. I shot an 86 and Dr. Callaghan shot an 82. I won the cup last year and was supposed to bring it back with me but I can’t find it! I will keep looking however! Ha! Could it be David used partiality? JUST A THOUGHT!