Tonight was our weekly 6 pm soul winning meeting at Longview Baptist Temple of Longview, Texas. My pastor, Dr. Bob II, led the church to move the soul winning night to Wednesday before the regular weekly Bible Study night. It has proved to be a good move. the building was full and many people were saved tonight. I love soul winning! What a blessing! By the way, the Bible study tonight on the King James Bible was superb! WOW! Dr. Bob II did an extraordinary job of explaining why the KJB is preserved inspiration and how to answer those who differ. It was excellent! I would suggest that you order the CD. A critic said he was tired of fighting the inspiration issue of the KJB and that he would sign anything the opposition would put in front of him. How about signing a paper that states this…”I WAS WRONG! THE KING JAMES BIBLE HAS PRESERVED INSPIRATION!” These Scriptures are not just complete they are full of inspiration!