Saturday I was up at 6 am and had my quiet time and 4 miles on the treadmill. Ate a light breakfast and typed up several chapters for new books. I fixed breakfast for the Mrs., did the dishes, and put them away. I cleaned up the house and put my bags in the car. I had prayer with Mrs. Gray and especially for two pastor’s wives who are dying from cancer! I then drove about 6 1/2 hours to get to Sumrall, Ms., where I am preaching this week end for Pastor Daniel Purvis who pastors the Lighthouse Baptist Church. He has been the pastor for 9 years and is doing an excellent job of leading his church to be a strong soul winning church. This week end they had 50 professions and 17 baptized. It is men of God like this that make America a strong nation.
He is strong King James man in this day and time when so many are putting a question mark on the inspiration of the King James Bible. I would rather stand before God saying, “I preached and taught that your Scriptures for the English speaking peoples was given of inspiration and retained its inspiration” than saying, “I corrected it trusting some academic person who said he had the originals.”
Some one said that one of the leaders of fundamentalism “apologized” for causing a controversy and that ought to be enough to settle the issue. Are you joking? Are you for real? Are you serious? To apologize for causing a controversy is a long way from admitting that you were wrong and reversing a position of saying that the KJB does not contain preserved inspiration! This arrogance says, “I don’t mind you saying the KJB is inspired!” What? Who are you the pope of God’s people like you can give us a license or permission to say the KJB is inspired while you look down on us COMMON people as being ignorant and foolish. You may not mind letting us say the KJB is inspired, but we do mind you saying that it is NOT preserved inspiration!!!!!!!!
We had better be careful of this inclusive bridge building that is nothing more than ecumenicalism. When you begin to question the KJB then next you will begin to brag on Billy Graham, Rick Warren, sister Joel, and then yoke up with SBC churches with their colleges like Thomas Road Baptist Church and its worldly Liberty University, while criticizing the old time fundamentalism that fought to stay straight. This seems to be a Rodney King fundamentalism emerging of, “WHY CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?” Gotta love the old time fundamentalism. This generation of young leaders are about to ruin what was given to us to not only preserve but propagate! He who sticks his head in the sand gets his behind kicked!!!