I was up at 6:30 this morning. I had my quiet time, unloaded the dish washer, fixed breakfast for Mrs. Gray, walked 8 miles outside, showered, did the laundry, and prepared for my last LIFE SKILLS CLASS for TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE for this semester. Dr. Jeff Walters is the instructor. I have had the privilege of teaching once a week for these students. Four of which are going to be pastors and one dear lady who will be a teacher in a Christian School. This class is designed to bridge the gap between graduation and the real world of the ministry. I thoroughly enjoyed my self this semester.
I am back at the house and fixed lunch for Mrs. Gray and myself. You would be so proud of me! I went to see my nutritionist Dr. Dorothy Straton this morning at 9 am. I weighed in and I lost 3 pounds last week. WOW! I figure at the pace I am losing I will be invisible by fall. Ha!
Lord willing I will be flying to Columbus, Ohio, this week end to preach for Dr. Tracy Fowler who pastors the Heritage Baptist Church of Columbus. I will not only be preaching on Sunday but there will be a rally on Monday night at 7 pm. If you are in the area I hope to be able to see you Monday night. Dr. Fowler and his dear wife Reese were recently in an automobile accident and are still recovering. Reese is known as Barnabas to my wife and has been a dear friend to Mrs. Gray. I am looking forward to being with them this week end. Gotta love serving the Lord!