I was up at 4:30! Had my quiet time but no treadmill today. LAZY! Fixed breakfast for Mrs. Gray and ate a light breakfast myself. I worked on some new chapters for a new book of FRIENDSHIP. I believe this is going to be very helpful material. My book on HEAVEN is complete and being proofed! Also, the books on JESUS are still being added too and proofed. I always pack the night before and so this morning all I had to do was put it in the car. Assistant Pastor Bob Queen will pick me up at 6:30 to go to the Longview airport and from there to DFW.
I will be preaching for two of our TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE grads this weekend and Monday through Tuesday. Sunday I will be with Pastor Charles Webb who pastors the Anderson Baptist Church of Anderson, Indiana, while Monday through Tuesday I will be preaching for Pastor Terry Flynn who pastors the Frankfort Baptist Temple of Frankfort, Indiana. These two men of God are doing an excellent work for God. This is such a thrill to be able to almost weekly be with our TBC grads. I am extremely proud of them. God has given us over 400 plus grads who are serving around the world. If you are in the area please stop by for one of the meetings!
By the way on our www.solvechurchproblems.com we now have our new books available and sermons from the Longview Baptist Temple pulpit during my 29 years of pastoring. Please visit our web site when you find time! Hopefully, soon we will have some other tools to help with various areas of the ministry. We will help provide a paper trail that will be of invaluable help to a local church. I have for years taught the principle of NO FORM NO FILLING and I know that proper paperwork provides accountability and historicity that helps the leaders to make solid judgment calls for the ministry. Gotta love serving the Lord!