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I was up at 6 am, quiet time, 3 miles on the treadmill, ate a light breakfast, showered, dressed and prepared for the services. I am preaching at the Rochester Baptist Church of Rochester, Minnesota. Pastor Don Noonan is the founding pastor and has been here for 11 years. I have had the honor of knowing the Noonan famiy for over two decades and they certainly are a blessing. In fact the pastor’s mother Mrs. Kielas was visiting today. Yea, grandmother is in town!!!!
The building was full and the spirit was great! I taught in Sunday school the lesson “WHO DO I LISTEN TOO?” and preached “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!” 11 trusted Christ with 7 making professions of faith and 5 following the Lord in Baptism. One dear lady brought her parents and grandparents with her to watch her be baptized. Praise the Lord at the invitation time the parents and grandparents walked the aisles professing faith in Christ as payment for their sins! The manager of the Marriott Motel Dan, where I am staying, also walked the aisle professing faith in Christ and was baptized! WOW! What a Lord’s Day!
A FLAWLESS King James Bible and a FLAWLESS Saviour at work! I feel sorry for those who believe they have a flawed KJB and yet a FLAWLESS Saviour. The LIVING WORD and the WRITTEN WORD are both FLAWLESS! AMEN! The ones who will suffer from such false teaching will be the next generation! When these so-called leaders of fundmentalism crack the door a little bit by questioning the KJB the next generation will open the door wide to perversions of the Bible. If the KJB is flawed then why not? You do not have to worry about the questioning of the KJB at TBC! TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE will not subject your students to such non sense! GOTTA LOVE THE FLAWLESS KING JAMES BIBLE!

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