This morning I was up at 6 am, quiet time, went to IHop to order take out for the Mrs., 3 miles on the treadmill, showered, and dressed. I worked on some more chapters and outlined a new book. The precious little poodle Peaches, whom I love dearly, (Ha) kept us up all night because of the lightening and storms. Poor thing has it sooooooo rough!
Wednesday nights at 6 our church meets to go soul winning. This is one of 9 opportunities to go soul winning at the Longview Baptist Temple. I went with one of our men Rick Story. He is 6′ 8” and so I felt like I was going with Goliath. By the way I felt safe! Ha! We had the honor of leading two men to Christ tonight. Calvin and Emory were so kind to listen to the Gospel and each bowed their head to trust Christ for payment of all of their sins.
The Bible study tonight was on baptism and the Lord’s Supper. WOW! Bob did a great job! Sorry, Bob II did a great job! Sorry, Pastor Bob II did a great job! Sorry, Pastor Bob Gray II did a great job! He is one of the best Bible teachers I have ever heard. His mother and I are very proud of him! GOTTA LOVE FAMILY!