I will leaving the house at 8:45. Assistant Pastor Bob Queen will be taking me to Tyler to catch a flight to DFW and then on to Chicago, Illinois. I will be preaching Sunday for Pastor Thomas Griffin who pastors the Jordan Baptist Church of Burbank, Illinois. I am looking forward to being with him and his dear people.
This has been a good week of soul winning. I called two of my converts last night and made sure they were still planning on coming Sunday to LBT. So far this month God has bless with allowing me to lead 29 folks to Christ for salvation and 10 of those followed the Lord in baptism. God is sooooo good! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!
You would almost think that the King James Bible had preserved inspiration with a purity that God promised and is still convicting people about their need for a Saviour? GOTTA LOVE THE PRESERVED INSPIRATION!
With this incorruptible seed you do not need a rock-n-roll band or a drama or a country and western band to bring salvation to the people! This Billy Graham battle of just worry about getting them saved will not help the next generation. Jonah saw revival in Nineveh because there was in inward repentance and an outward repentance because it was not until God saw their works that He responded. Be careful of this emerging church theory that has no restraint and no boundaries for it is a fluid religion that will destroy the orchard for the next generation. The old timers were right! GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGION!