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Assistant Pastor Bob Queen will pick me up at 8:45 and drive me to Tyler, Texas, to catch a flight to DFW. I will fly from DFW to Peoria, Illinois, where I will be preaching in a FOUNDATION CONFERENCE with Dr. Monte Watts and Dr. Russell Anderson through Tuesday.

Pastor Jim Eddy who pastors the Victory Baptist Church of Macomb, Illinois, is a TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE graduate. He is a fine soul winner and has a wonderful family. I am looking forward to being with him. TBC has over 400 graduates now and we are very proud of them. There is one thing for sure about TBC and that is no faculty or staff member will ever put a question mark on the KJB. We believe not as some that only the originals are inspired but rather we teach and believe in preserved inspiration. The King James Bible is the pure preserved inspired Word of God for the English speaking people. This is not as some have eluded to be dual or double inspiration but rather continued preserved inspiration. 

Just listen or look at the tweets of the young pups and you will see their admiration for the EMERGING CHURCH leaders and soon it will embrace a non inspired Bible. It is amazing to me that what I call WORD MASTERS have captivated the minds of so many. Yet, these WORD MASTERS have never built any thing and boy oh boy are they ever quotable. I think it is like having “tickling ears?” Leonard Ravenhill was the rage of my day yet he crossed doctrinal lines without a concern. Dangerous to follow such WORD MASTERS! C. S. Lewis is another one who has an audience and is quoted often and is dangerous! Rick Warren did not build a church he built a SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE on Sunday mornings! His spiritual offspring are the rage of the Southern Baptist Convention now and are secretly conducting LEADERSHIP SEMINARS for young independent Baptist Preachers. If it is entertainment centers you want then do not call it a church call it what it really is! I am seriously wondering if it might not do us good to name these compromisers so we ALL know who to be aware of?

When the pastor of the largest independent Baptist church quotes a man like Setzer to entice people to come to his conference we are in serious trouble. When he endorses a worldly church as having one of the fastest growing churches in America something is seriously wrong! Young men of God the OLD TIME RELIGION still works! Do not follow these WORD MASTERS because you are not “considering the end.” GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGION!

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