This was a wonderful Lord’s day at Gospel Light Baptist Church of Utica, New York. Pastor Jody Martin is doing a great job of leading this church in the winning of the lost. The Lord gave them 17 souls this week and one young teen lady led her first soul to Christ yesterday and she is elated as well as the pastor. There were 24 decisions made this morning, 4 saved, and one baptized. This is one exciting church!
Tonight I preached on “GOD THE BUILDER.” The altars were full and the response was great! When I walked in tonight I saw Pastor John Koletas of the the Grace Baptist Church of Troy, New York. He brought his people for the service and I was over joyed to see him and his people.
I set my alarm for 3 am, which is 2 Texas time, and I will be catching a 6 am flight to Cleveland, Ohio, and then on to Houston, Texas, and then on to Tyler, Texas. It will be a long day tomorrow but I’m looking forward to getting home. Mrs. Gray is having a rough time lately with an apparent eruption of a staph infection. She has more scheduled appointments this month and next. Hopefully they will find out what is going on? GOTTA LOVE FAMILY!
Wow, God is good! Praise the Lord for all the salvations and the baptism! Very uplifting and encouraging hearing of reports from other soul winning churches. Praying for your family.