I preached tonight at the Greenwood Baptist Church of Greenwood, Indiana. Pastor Todd Poynter started this church 15 years ago and it is a great soul winning church. They reported at the service tonight an additional 10 saved and the total through tonight was 25! AMEN! I preached tonight my sermon “LET’S GO SOUL WARNING.” The altars were full and the people had a great spirit. This church was founded on soul winning and continues to be a great soul winning church.
When I returned to the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS motel tonight I noticed Courtney behind the desk. I greeted her and then went to get a cup of coffee. I returned to the desk and introduced myself. I gave her one of our church Gospel tracts. She told me she was a Catholic and I told her that my wife was a Catholic when I meet her. I talked to her about the fact that we do not go to Heaven because we are a Baptist, Methodist, or a Catholic but we do go to Heaven because of trusting Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. I carefully went through the Gospel and in a few moments she sweetly bowed her head and prayed to trust Christ to be the payment for her past, present, and future sins. AMEN! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!