I will be up at 3 am Saturday morning to start my day. Assistant Pastor Bob Queen will be by to pick me up at 5:15 to drive me to Tyler for an American Eagle flight to DFW and then a direct American Eagle flight to Fort Wayne, Indiana.
I will be preaching for my good friend Pastor Doug Jackson who pastors the THREE RIVERS BAPTIST CHURCH of Fort Wayne. He and his dear wife have had some health problems and Mrs. Gray and I have certainly been praying for them. We know what that is like!
Mrs. Gray is doing a little better with her new Medical Pump and was able to go to the eye doctor on Thursday. She tires quickly but still has plenty of spunk! Ha! I thought they became mellow in old age! Guess not! We are both looking forward to seeing all of the kids and grandkids for the holidays! GOTTA LOVE FAMILY!