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Well, here we go again. Someone ought to write a song about “On The Road Again.” I’ll work on it while I’m flying. I was up at 7 am. WOW! I actually slept in! Amazing! Unloaded the dishwasher, quiet time, treadmill, showered, and dressed. 

I will be flying to Raleigh Durham, NC, today and preaching at the GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH of Cedar Grove. Pastor Charles Hamilton is doing a wonderful job of leading this church to the spreading of the Gospel.

Mrs. Gray has had a rough week with this cold weather hitting East Texas. However, she has her poodle and a heating blanket to keep her warm. She went to the doctor last week and she has a “hernia” that will have to be taken care of it the next few months.

December was a great month for soul winning with 46 people bowing their heads to pray and trust Christ to pay for all of their sins. It is a wonderful thing to be able to share the Gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only way to have past, present, and future sins paid for. When those sins are given to Christ by faith His blood cleanses the soul of that person. Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Saved from what? Hell, because Hell is the penalty for just one sin and only the shed blood of Christ applied to the soul of a man can save that man’s soul. The body is not saved but the soul is saved! You never hear a preacher say, “We had 5 bodies saved today!” No it is always 5 souls saved! When you trust Christ to pay for your sins this time on earth is all the Hell you will ever know. You are eternally secure! If you reject Christ this time on earth will be all the Heaven you will ever know! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!

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