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Samantha and John

Tonight as I was leaving to go preach I spotted the clerk of the Holiday Inn Express talking to her boyfriend. I introduced myself and talked to them for a little bit. One of the ladies from the MARANATHA BAPTIST CHURCH who works preparing breakfast for the motel was there. Soon the dear lady left to go to the evening church service. 
I stayed a little longer sharing Scriptures with them and in a few minutes Samantha and John bowed their heads and trusted Christ as their Saviour! After I wrote down their names on my prayer list they mentioned they were engaged and preparing to marry. I gave them Pastor O’Daniel’s name and his phone number. They promised to call and attend church next Sunday and talk to him about marrying them.


When I arrived at church the lady who works at the motel was just arriving for the night service. I told her of the young couple and how they trusted Christ. This dear lady started weeping and said God told her to leave so I could talk to them. She said she had been praying and witnessing to Samantha. WOW! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!

Too many fence straddlers in fundamentalism! We are being persuaded by suave personalities and not Scripture. The reason seems to be because so many are not even sure they have the very WORDS OF GOD! These are not just WORDS in our KING JAMES BIBLE. They are “living oracles.” They preach! They teach! They convict! 
If it was an issue of “double inspiration” then why was not that statement made in 2009 at Pastors’ School. Not one time was that argument made! The attack was on the KING JAMES BIBLE not being inspired! There was never an issue of the KJB not being inspired until 2009! 
I do not know of one who preached “double inspiration” outside of Dr. Ruckman possibly. It only took three years before the truth came out that Hammond espouses that only the originals are inspired and there are mistakes in the KJB! Once you start changing you never stop changing! I do not believe in “double inspiration” I believe in “preserved inspiration!”
Someone said, “Why can’t we be like the New Testament Christians and get along with each other?” Are you kidding! Nobody ever called the Acts of the Apostles a dull book. Something is happening in it every minute. These early Christians  were on fire for God and they tackled the world, the flesh, and the devil in a head-on collision. As a result they soon found themselves in trouble!
By the time you reach the fifth chapter this trouble has assumed several forms. The chapter begins with trouble inside the local church. “But a certain man named Ananias with Sapphira his wife.” Local churches have always been harmed most by trouble within, but at this time it was not so anemic as now and the poison was soon cleared up
Trouble looms again on the outside. Peter and the Apostles are again brought before the council of the religious authorities. True Christianity through the ages has always clashed with organized religion including organized fundamentalism. 
Peter and the Apostles minced no words. There speech is classic. “We ought to obey God rather than men…” Trouble within, trouble without, and now enter another kind of trouble in disguise. The trouble of a fence straddler named Gamaliel!
There was a time when I was impressed with him. I thought he made a great speech. It sounded at first sober, sane, and sound. However, time has changed my opinion. The fact is Gamaliel was an appeaser, a compromiser, and a fence staddler! 
He decided to be neither for nor against! He took to the fence and there he sits as the first of a line of straddlers who have perhaps caused churches more trouble than trouble within and trouble without! God would rather have a man on the wrong side of the fence than ON the fence! He made three mistakes!
1) He made a false comparison of Theudas and Judas to Jesus! (verses 35-36)
2) He suggested a false criteria by measuring the movement by the success of it!
3) He arrived at a false conclusion of saying to refrain from these men and let them alone!
You cannot leave them alone! You cannot play hands off with the cause of Jesus Christ or His inspired WORD! You cannot suspend judgment and do nothing! This polite business of waiting to see how it all turns out, adding up all of the evidence and making up your minds later when you think all the facts are in, will not work with God’s WORD! This is a matter of faith not intellectualism! GOTTA LOVE THE INSPIRED KING JAMES BIBLE!

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