Tonight I preached for Dr. Mike Wells who pastors the PARKSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH of Mesquite, Texas. Dr. Wells is doing a great job of not only personally winning souls but organizing this great church to aggressively go after the unsaved. The soul winning results for April 28 through March 6 resulted in 684 saved, 89 professions and 29 baptisms with an attendance of 693. The soul winning results for March 7 through March 13 gave them 1,010 saved, 81 professions, and 25 baptisms with 637 in attendance on time change Sunday. AMAZING!
I preached tonight my sermon “IS THERE A PLACE CALLED HELL?” and the altars were full almost before the invitation was even given. There were 5 professions of faith and 5 baptisms. I predict that the PARKSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH will be, in the next two decades, one of the great churches in America if they do not veer off course! They have the right music, right standards, right organization, right doctrine, right emphasis, balanced emphasis, and a right stand on preserved inspiration of the KING JAMES BIBLE.
On my way back to the motel I went through the drive-thru of McDonalds next to the Hampton Inn & Suites to order my down fall of two bar-b-que grilled chicken snack wraps and a medium coffee with two creams in the coffee. There was no one behind me. So, after I gave the attendant Steve Gonzales my money I gave him a Gospel tract from our church. I then asked if he knew for sure that he would go to Heaven when he died. He said, “No!” I then asked if he would like to know for sure. He said, “Yes!’ WELL SOMEBODY SAY AMEN! Guess what happened next? He bowed his head and prayed to trust Christ to pay for all of his sins! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!