Dr. Larry May |
Dr. Mike Wells |
Tonight I preached at the ANNUAL SOUL WINING AND LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE hosted by Dr. Mike Wells pastor of PARKSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH of Mesquite, Texas. Dr. Larry May, Pastor Emeritus, preached first a great message on “THE SOWER, THE SEED, AND THE SOIL” and the altars were full at the invitation time.
I preached second my sermon “FENCE STRADDLERS” and emphasized the concern I have for the passive fundamentalism I see around the nation. This “Why can’t we all get along?” fuzzy and warm white clothed fundamentalism that is allowing seeds of heresy to be sown in our midst. Of course, we dare not say anything because if we do we are trouble makers! I’m sure that is what they called the Apostle Paul in his day too! Funny to me that when Dr. John McArthur preached his heresy concerning the dissipation of the blood of Christ at the foot of Calvary fundamentalism came unglued and stood for the truth of the blood of Christ, but let one of our so-called own put a question mark on the preserved inspiration of the KING JAMES BIBLE and we are to be quiet because it is one of our own! SORRY! No fence straddling here in Texas!
When you sit on the fence you make no progress, can fall easily, and can be pushed easily. Where are the men? Where are the women of God? Elijah asked “How long halt ye between two opinions?” and “the people answered not a word!” What a shame! Friendship should never trump truth. Who cares how your Alma Mater stands! Be loyal to the WORD of God! If there is no preserved inspiration in our English KING JAMES BIBLE which is the WRITTEN WORD then you are saying the same thing about the LIVING WORD. GOTTA LOVE THE KING JAMES BIBLE! It is not just another version! It is not the best it is the ONLY! SOMEBODY SAY AMEN!