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Pastor Dave Carlson
This morning Pastor Dave Carlson, who pastors the GOSPEL LIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH picked me up for Sunday school and Sunday morning preaching service. This man of God started this church 19 years ago. He and his dear wife have certainly done an excellent job of spreading the Gospel to this strategic New England city. We had 10 saved, 5 professions and 3 baptized this morning. The buildings were full and the people were very attentive to the teaching and preaching.

Benjamin Sabri
In between Sunday school and the preaching hour the pastor introduced me to a young man by the name of Benjamin Sabri. This young man with his family fled Iraq 9 years ago. He trusted Christ and was baptized at GOSPEL LIGHT BAPTIST CHURCH. His parents were already saved and baptized. He was very attentive during the preaching hour and I gave him a Dr. Pepper that someone had given to me. 

I hate Dr. Pepper! I told the people it tastes like bug spray. Someone asked me after church how did I know what bug spray tasted like? Good question! The answer is when my wife was spraying bug spray one time it hit my mouth and that is how I know how terrible Dr. Pepper is! Ha!

Colonel Gibson
On my flight from DFW to Boston, MA., I sat next to a Colonel in the US Army. We struck up a conversation and I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with him. He is stationed in the country of Chili.  I asked him if he was going to get paid and he laughed. I told him a recession is when your neighbor loses his job, while a depression is when you lose your job, and a recovery is when Obama loses his job!

After a while I gave him one of our church Gospel tracts. I went over the Scripture and explained to him how he could know for sure that he was going to Heaven when he died. He was so kind and soon we bowed our heads and he invited Christ into his soul! WOW! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!

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