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Sunday Morning
I had the honor of preaching for my friend Dr. Marc Dalton who pastors the LAKECREST BAPTIST CHURCH of Waterford, MI. He has pastored here for seven years and is doing a marvelous job. I commented to him I saw a lot of new faces. The Lord gave us 28 saved, and 4 baptized this morning and a family joining tonight.

I taught my Sunday school lesson on the Bible word “GRACE” and preached my sermon on “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.” The response was wonderful. This is a very responsive church and a very productive church. This church will have a great impact on the state of Michigan for the cause of Christ if they continue on their course. I preached tonight my sermon “ODD MAN OUT” and the altars were full.

Russ Reager
This morning as the pastor was walking me to the car after the services a man walked up to me and introduced himself. His name is Russ Reager. I had mentioned in the sermon my birthdate of 12-18-45. He told me how he was a paper boy in 1945 and noticed a tent set up in Waterford. He was curious so he stopped and went in to see what was going on and a preacher by the name of Dr. Tom Malone was preaching under that tent. Russ trusted Christ that night at the invitation time. God bless the memory of Dr. Tom Malone! WOW! GOTTA LOVE FAITHFUL MEN OF GOD! 

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