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I will be traveling to Tyler to catch a flight to DFW, on to Denver, and end up in North Platte, NE., to preach for my friend Pastor Bill Reeves.  I looked up the temp there and at the moment it is 24 degrees F.   I believe I will take my coat. It is a warm 57 degrees in Longview, TX.  I guess winter is approaching.

The KING JAMES BIBLE CONFERENCE went great at the CLAYS MILL ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH of Lexington, KY.  I would urge you to order the set of CD’s from the conference. I believe they will be informative and helpful.  Satan’s devices are not new and certainly those who live in the Scriptures are not ignorant of those devices.   In that conference I made some comparisons of human events to the attacks made on the Scriptures that are interesting.

1860-The first perversion was published
1861-The civil war began

1914-The World Bible Society adopted the NASB as Scripture
1915-WWI began

1927-William Heronias said the RSV were the correct & exact words of Christ
1929-The Stock Market crashed

1940-The TEV is accepted by the Social Ministerial Association
1941-Pearl Harbor was attacked & WWII started

1960-American Council of Churches accepted and promoted the NRSV as the word of God
1962-Prayer was banned from the public schools

1971-The NIV was widely used and accepted by every major denomination
1972-The death penalty was voted as unconstitutional 

1988-The KING JAMES BIBLE defenders came to the forefront
1989-Communism in Europe fell

2008-The largest church in fundamentalism said our English Bible was not inspired
2008-The USA began a spending spree to put America 15 trillion dollars in debt and almost bankrupt


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