I was in town last night and able to attend the Wednesday night Bible Study conducted at the LONGVIEW BAPTIST TEMPLE. My son taught an excellent Bible study on helping a young lady find the will of God. It was one of the most Biblical and practical studies I have ever heard in my 39 years of ministry. My son is doing a superb job of teaching and preaching at LBT. Of course I am not prejudicial in my judgment in any way. Ha!
If for some reason our office has not been able to contact you in response to you ordering WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING please call 903-237-9019 and we will complete your order. We have been swamped and may have failed to get back to you. If you would please call we will be able to complete your order. Time is running out on this offer so please call today.
The book will be drop shipped to your location shortly after December 15, 2011. It will come off of the presses in CA on the 15th. If you will take advantage of this offer you will be able to save 50% if you order a case of 16. This offer is only good through December. It will make a great promotional book to give to those who bring an adult visitor to Sunday school or a Christmas gift to a friend.
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Last night I met Cassie at a women’s shelter in Longview run by one of the dear ladies known as Sister Helen. This dear lady and I had a wonderful conversation and in a few moments she bowed her head and trusted Jesus Christ as payment for all of her sins. Please pray for Cassie she has a rough go of it. However, she has a brand new beginning now! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!