This morning I will fly out of the Longview, TX, airport to DFW and then on to Fort Wayne, IN, to preach for my friend Pastor Doug Jackson who pastors the THREE RIVERS BAPTIST CHURCH. He and his dear church are a solid fundamental independent Baptist Church and reaching a lot of folks with the Gospel.
Mrs. G is going to have rotator cuff shoulder surgery in Feb. of 2012. This will be her 34th surgery. If anyone out there has any extra body parts please let us know. Ha! She has a lot of trouble lifting her arm to dress and is in pain when she attempts to do so. Pray for her please!
The soul winning has been great with 8 saved last week and 2 following the Lord in baptism. Looking forward to the challenges of 2012. In the Spring of the year we will have our first INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE meeting in Wisconsin. I will provide some more details the closer we are to the first IBC meeting. The theme will be “HERE WE GROW AGAIN!” God is not a respecter of persons and He still wants to do it again! GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGION!