Pastor Nathan Cook |
This morning at FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH of Riverside, CA., I taught my Sunday school lesson on “GRACE.” I then preached my sermon “THE ANSWER IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE QUESTION.” Have you ever noticed in the Scriptures how little time God spends with the problem and how long he spends dealing in the solution.
* John 14:1-3, “Let not your heart be troubled…” being the problem and the rest of it deals with the solution. There are 66 words here and 6 of these words deal with the problem and 60 deal with the solution.
* I John 2:1-2, 51 words in these two verses with 5 dealing with the problem and 46 dealing with the solution.
* I John 1:9, five of those words deal with the problem while 17 deal with the solution.
* II Chronicles 7:14, the problem is only hinted at in “forgive their sins and heal their land.” It implies this is about sin and a need for healing, but there are 35 words of solution.
*Ps. 1:1-3, There are 81 words. The problem is only assumed. 81 words deal with a solution to a problem that is assumed.
For us to continue to dwell on the problem causes several things to occur.
1) It makes the problem bigger
2) It makes the solution smaller
3) The more attention given to the problem the more confusion about the problem
4) It takes valuable time you need for the solution
5) It brings self-pity and despair
6) It will cause you to give up
What to do with your problem!
1) Glance at it and define it
2) Do not talk about it
3) Go to the Word of God and the man of God
4) Help someone else with the same problem
5) In helping them you will find the solution to your own problem
6) Do what you tell others to do