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Sunday Morning
This morning I had the honor of preaching for my good friend Pastor Todd Poynter who pastors the GREENWOOD BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH just outside of Indianapolis, IN. He and his family started this great church 14 years ago.

Pastor Poynter grew up under the ministry of Dr. Jack Hyles in Hammond, IN.   As a lad he would sit in the Sunday school classes and auditorium pews with his family and absorb the truths from God’s  Word. He was a part of the “Father-Son Soul Winning” program and learned at the feet of his dad and Dr. Hyles the christian life. This is one of the great and up coming churches in our nation. They are averaging 500 with a very successful Sunday school program.

George Quigley
After my Sunday school lesson a man walked up to me and introduced himself as George Quigley. He mentioned to me that he was a member of FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH when Dr. Hyles became pastor and shared some wonderful stories about Dr. Hyles. He is a retired policeman and told me he was there from the beginning and even was a part of the police escort at the funeral for Dr. Hyles.  It is men like this who make a ministry work. GOTTA LOVE THE SAINTS WHO PAID THE PRICE!

On April 8-10, 2012, the INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE will be coming to the Milwaukee, WI., area.  I hope you will take time out of your busy schedule to attend. If you are a pastor there are a few free motel rooms available for you and your wife for Monday and Tuesday. Please call 414-301-9319 or 414-248-1879.  

Dr. Shelton Smith, Dr. Russell Anderson, Pastor Todd Poynter, Pastor Brent Lenetine, myself, and Dr. Paul Duckett Sr. will be there.  

I wish every independent Baptist church member could hear the singing and congregational singing by Dr. Paul Duckett Sr. He led singing for J. Frank Norris, Dr. Dallas Billington, and many other greats of their day. This is spirit-filled singing! I have a picture of Dr. Duckett Sr. standing in the middle of 6,000 adults and a 350 adult voice choir at a Dallas Billington meeting in Akron, Ohio. God is not a respecter of persons or generations. God wants to do it again!

That which we all enjoyed in the 60’s and 70’s in a movement across this nation of independent Baptist churches is not over. The same truths exist today. We do not need a contemporary platform to attract people to the preaching of the Word of God.  “WHAT HAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DONE.”  “HERE, WE GROW AGAIN” is the theme.  This will be a time of spiritual refreshment!  Come join us in Milwaukee. GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGION!

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