This is just too early for anyone to be up. I thought I was retired, but the truth is I am just “re-tired.” Ha! It’s 2 am and I have gotten coffee, put some cream in it, had my quiet time, and this still small voice from the bed room asked for some coffee. Did not mean to wake her up, but she has coffee and is happy for now.
I will be driving to Tyler, TX, where I will catch a flight and go on to DFW and then on to Milwaukee, WI. I am looking forward to this first and hopefully historic INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE with many to follow.
95 % of our churches are in rural areas and this “mega-church” mentality is not reality. It is interesting when God speaks of Himself as the source of “increase” He does specify or attach numerical value to the word “increase.” In fact He refers in Scripture to the lowest number of “one” being the source of Heaven’s joy. Whether it be a big “increase” or a small “increase” they are both of God and we must be careful not to condemn one because in so doing we are condemning both.
By the way thank the LORD for every local church of whom God felt He could trust with a large ministry, but BIG is not always BETTER. No pastor should feel inferior at all because of the size of his ministry. I can still hear Dr. Jack Hyles rehearsing what his professor said to him, “Mr. Hyles, there is no such thing as a little church!”
I believe a revival of soul winning and Sunday school is the secret to a resurgence of local churches that will never make earth’s headlines, but will make news in Heaven. One of these miracles is found in Mocksville, NC, where Dr. Darrell Cox’s church is running 1,000 in a town of 800. The size of the city does not matter when it comes to God’s work. The press does not cover this story, but God certainly has His eye on them.
Classes will be conducted on Tuesday at 9 am at this first INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE in WI for pastors, staff, laymen, ladies, and youth. If we can focus on our part of personal soul winning and strengthening our Sunday schools we can once again see the results by focusing on our responsibilities.
Please join us in prayer for God to do something to all of us to punch the re-set button! We need Holy Spirit power in order to reach mankind with the Gospel. GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!