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Chelita Today
Dr. Rice & Chelita
Baseball Coach & Son
Sunday Morning
Today I had the honor of teaching and preaching at the MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH of Whitesburg, GA, just outside of Atlanta.   One of our TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE graduates, Pastor Dexter Landers, has been the pastor there for the past 5 years.  Today the LORD gave us packed out buildings with 11 saved, 7 professions, and 4 baptized.

There was a father and son saved and baptized today.  Guess who they were?  They were the pastor’s son’s baseball coach Mr. Benji Shelton and his son Benji Jr. WOW!

Tonight Pastor Landers pointed out the piano player and mentioned that she was the one of whom he had sent a picture of sitting on the lap of Dr. John R. Rice years ago.  This lady’s parents were close friends with Dr. and Mrs. Rice.  Isn’t that wonderful this young lady raised in a Christian home is still serving the LORD in the music ministry. Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Rice!

Pastor Dexter Landers

Tonight I preached my sermon “LET’S GO SOUL WARNING.”   I mentioned how Mark 16:15 does not say “win” rather it says “preach” the Gospel to every creature.  I then pointed out how we are told in Ezekiel chapters 3 and 33 to “warn.”   We can avoid bloody hands by “warning.”  It does not say bloody hands because we do not “win” rather because we do not warn. 

Jesus saves souls we merely lead them to the Saviour or “win” them over to the Saviour by telling them how great the Saviour is.  No one made me get saved.  I trusted Christ as my Saviour because I wanted to.  Paul was not a failure because he ceased not to preach day and night in one case without one convert.  He succeeded because he gave men “warning.”


1) People were going to Hell before there ever was a religion.  (II Thessalonians 2:10-12 – People reject the truth because they are deceived by their unrighteousness not heresy. They embrace heresy because of their unrighteousness)

2) No human being has the power to send another human being to Hell.

3) We let people go to Hell by not warning. (Mark 16:15)

4) God has promised to warn everyone at least one time. (Titus 2:11)

5) God has given to us the intercessory work of warning people. (John 20:21 – we are to go back a 2nd time, a 3rd time, a 4th time, etc.)

6) You never warn the wrong person. (Mark 16:15 – every creature)

7) If you warn enough people someone will listen. (Acts 17:34 – Howbeit certain men clave – Not everyone but someone)


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