This morning I will be driving to the Tyler, TX, airport to catch a flight to DFW and then on to Detroit. I will be preaching for my friend Pastor Marc Dalton who pastors the LAKEVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH of Waterford, MI. God has used him in a wonderful way. He is an aggressive personal soul winner and his church is consistently winning souls to Christ. I will be teaching Sunday school, preaching Sunday morning, and preaching again Sunday night.
This has been a busy week. I have preached 10 times this week and I thought I was retired. I am working on some new books and hopefully be able to put into print some that are only available in e-book form.
If you are one of the folks asking about the JUST A THOUGHT Volumes 5-10 those books are available on SMASHWORDS.COM. Simply look for Bob Gray Sr. and you will find those and several others that are only available in e-book form.
Also, LEADING FROM THE FRONT and LET’S TALK ABOUT JESUS are also available in e-book form. I believe they will be a blessing to you.
If you have not purchased WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING please go to SOLVECHURCHPROBLEMS.COM and order today. It is a 408 page hard back book with a beautiful cover. It has 33 chapters and is excellent material. This is not a biographical book of Dr. Jack Hyles. It is a book of the principles I observed while traveling with him for 22 years. GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGION!