Saturday Dr. Russell Anderson and myself flew into the Atlanta, GA, airport to preach in two area churches and then came together to open up the INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE on Monday night.
Dr. Anderson preached for one of our TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE grads Pastor Dexter Landers. They had 63 saved over the week end and many baptized on Sunday.
I was honored to preach for our IBC meeting host church HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH of Locust Grove, GA. The final totals were over 30 saved and 18 baptized. We had one of those unusual Sundays that really ought to be usual. One of the highlights was a grandfather who trusted Christ and the people came unglued at the invitation time. What a great spirit this church exhibits.
Dr. Bill Wininger opened up the IBC meeting with a great sermon reminding us of our heritage as Independent Baptists warning us to not become intellectual snobs, but remain down home people who walk with God.
I preached second my sermon “GOD’S SIMPLE PLAN FOR A SOUL WINNING CHURCH.” The altars were full and we experienced a great start to the conference. The Barnes Family provided the special music and as usual were a blessing.
We had classes on Tuesday morning at 8:30 with the pastors all receiving a free PASTOR’S MANUAL. We discussed various things about church growth. There were several new pastors and we had a good time of instruction.
Dr. Anderson met with the laymen and gave them practical instruction about starting and building businesses. He spends 4 to 5 hours with God everyday and has for many years. He has given 39 million dollars to God’s work and no one in history has given as much. We need to learn from him and help our laymen to become another Russell Anderson.
Pastor Dexter Landers preached first on Tuesday morning and he preached on “HEARERS AND DOERS OF THE WORD.” Pastor Dwayne Walker from Kentucky, who pastors the MOUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH, preached second on “TAKING OWNERSHIP.” Pastor Walker started his church and is running 600 each Sunday. Do not think for a second Independent Baptist Churches are going away. There are more of what I call “seedling” churches in our nation that in time will create more great churches than ever.
Tuesday night God met with us in a special way. Dr. Anderson preached on “FILL MY CUP LORD” and the necessity of being filled with the Spirit of God. He noted the difference between the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the filling of the Holy Spirit. It was powerful.
I preached second my sermon “IS THERE REALLY A PLACE CALLED HELL?” Some dear saints started coming to the altars before the sermon was even finished. The pastor stood weeping and told his people as well as the delegates that he was not just going to be stirred, but changed forever. GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGION!