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I flew from the Longview airport on Friday to DFW and then on to Seattle, WA.  I slept for 3 hours and then caught a 6 am Saturday flight on Alaska Airlines flight to Anchorage, AK.   Pastor Greg Clark met me at the airport and took me to the motel.  

It is 26 degrees and the pastor told me they are in a warm spell.  It would normally be 20 below this time of the year.   Could Al Gore be right? Ha!

Pastor Clark started the NORTHERN LIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH and has done an excellent job of leading them to be an old fashioned independent Baptist church.   He is a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College and loves Dr. Jack Hyles.  This to the dismay of the critics of Dr. Hyles is one of thousands who are getting the job done.  

I know I must be doing something right when folks email these pastors and churches and ignorantly warn them of my association with Dr. Jack Hyles.  The days of the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s were the most exciting days for independent Baptist churches and those same principles will work today because they are Biblical.  

Dr. Lee Roberson, Dr. John R. Rice, Lester Roloff, Dr. Tom Malone, Dr. Curtis Hutson, Dr. B. R. Lakin, Dr. Bill Rice, and so many others were spirit-filled giants and yes “heroes” of the faith.  Do I worship them? No, but I do admire them.  

When they preached, God met with us.  I would be a liar if I denied what God did in my heart, my life, my family, and my ministry through those human vessels.  

This church and pastor recently started a Bible Institute to train locals for the ministry.  He is hoping to start 20 churches in Alaska through the graduates.   

Monday night I will be teaching pastors and their wives who pastor independent Baptist churches in Alaska from 7 to 9 pm.  Then we will meet again on Tuesday morning for a 9-12 am session.  It looks like we will have around 20 pastors signed up for this meeting, which is remarkable for Alaska.


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