I am so excited about my two new books that will soon be sent to the printers in Minnesota. This has been and unusual journey in the fact of working on two books at the same time. With the book “WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING” it took two years to write and publish. By the way that book is not available in ebook form on SMASHWORDS.COM. Just enter Bob Gray Sr. in the search box and it will direct you to my books. When you get to that page highlight my name as author and it will direct you to the list of the rest of my books that are in ebook form.
This book “TRIAL BY FIRE-Satan’s Attack On Independent Baptists”will deal with a myriad of attacks currently being sent by Satan against soul winning, standards, preaching, heroes, salvation, pastoral leadership, stand against homosexuality, invitations, autonomy of the local church, etc.
I am a first generation independent Baptist and my children are a second generation. I left the American Baptist to become a part of a great move of independent Baptists in the 70’s. I have enjoyed every step of the way in this journey of mine.
I have 10 grandchildren and they will be a third generation independent Baptists. Recently God blessed our family with a great grandson named Blake Doyle. Would you like to see a picture? Ha! Here he is!
I want this little fella to know and see what I have had the privilege of seeing in my life time. God built a great local church in Longview, TX., as a result of the leadership of some great men of God who pioneered the way.
God proved it could be done other than just in Chattanooga, TN, or Pontiac, MI, or Hammond, IN., etc. Our church in Texas is not an isolated ministry either. Other great churches are still getting the job done around our nation.
I preached with the greats of yesterday. Dr. Lee Roberson, Evangelist Lester Roloff, Dr. Curtis Hutson, Dr. Jack Hyles, Dr. Carl Hatch, and several others. I lived in the day of the great ministries and I want the same for my grandchildren, great grandchildren, and hopefully great great grandchildren.
In the book “JACK HYLES-The communicator” there are chapters such as “Personal communication skills,””A Great Story Teller,” “Show Me Your Muscles,””Hello, My Name Is Jack Hyles,””Reeses Peanut Butter Cups,””Communing With Myself,””Jack Hyles-Teacher,” “Jack Hyles-Preacher,” “All Things To All Audiences,”and many other great chapters.
Please keep an eye open for the release of these two 400 page hard back books. You can email me at [email protected] to reserve a book, or purchase a case of 16 in advance for half price. If you loved “WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING” you will love these two also!