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A 53 chapter hard back book coming soon!

In just a few weeks you will be able to pre-order this 53 chapter book providing insights into the Biblical principles and philosophies of the man whom God used to invigorate soul winning and Sunday school in not only America, but around the world.

This project has taken two years to complete and I am confident it will help a generation that never heard Dr. Hyles teach or preach. The truth is there is an entire new generation that their only opinion of his ministry is what they have been told. 

I have done my best to ensure the reader of the foundational Bible principles that helped this man of God used of God to do what no one had accomplished inside a local church. 

You will read some things that will surprise you. You will read some things that you may quickly recognize. You will read some things that will cause you to re-think some areas. All in all it is 53 chapters of thought provoking material.

Please take advantage of this book! Somewhere in this world is a young man of God whom God is grooming to do greater works. He doesn’t even know it, but hopefully books like this will help shape and provide construct for a ministry that will touch the world.  

A man’s contemporaries can only see so far. It is those who have preceded us that provide an opportunity to supplement not substitute Biblical concepts. Contemporaries teach you what to think while mentors teach you how to think inside the boundaries of the Word of God.

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