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Luke 16:19-24, “There was a certain rich man, which was
clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there
was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table:
moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the
beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man
also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments,
and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried, and said,
Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of
his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.”
 Is it true that Hell is mentioned 162 times in the New
Testament? Is it true that Deuteronomy 32:22 says, “A fire is kindled in mine
anger and shall burn unto the lowest hell.”
Is Job 11:8 true? “God is higher
than heaven and deeper than hell.”
Is Psalm 9:17 true? “The wicked shall be
turned into hell.”
Is Proverbs 27:20 true? “Hell and destruction are never
Is Isaiah 5:14 true? “Hell hath enlarged herself.” Is Ezekiel 31:16
true? “I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit.” Is Amos
9:2 true? “They dig into hell.” Is Habakkuk 2:5 true? “Who enlargeth his desire
as hell, and is a death, and cannot be satisfied.”
Is Matthew 10:28 true? “Fear
not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul! But rather
fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Is II Peter 2:4
true? “God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down into hell.” Is
James 3:6 true? “The tongue is set on fire of hell.” Is Revelation 20:15 true?
“Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of

 R. A. Torrey said, “I claim to be a scholar and I believe the
old fashioned doctrine of Hell.” D. L. Moody said, “If there is no Hell, let’s
burn our Bibles.” Henry Ward Beecher said, “A future punishment is enough to
make an earthquake of terror in a man’s soul.” Dewitt Tallmadge said, “Not
having enough intellect of my own to fashion an eternity to my own desires, I
will have to accept what the Bible has to say about Hell.” Charles Spurgeon
said, “Dread for Hell a saved man will never know.” Billy Sunday said, “You
won’t be in Hell 5 seconds until you will believe there is one.” Sam Jones
said, “Every sinner carries his own brimstone.”
 Is there a place called Hell? I ask that question for I fear
we have gradually become a health and wealth preaching nation rather than
having our pulpits aflame with Holy Ghost preaching and conviction about the
realization of a real place called Hell. We preach as if we are a people that
will never die and face God!
 I ask the question is there a place called Hell? Why are we
fundamental, Hell-fire, and damnation preachers instead of calm Bible
expositors? Why are you a Hell-fire damnation preacher or maybe better why are you
not a Hell-fire damnation preacher? The answer finds its answer in another
question, “Do we really believe there is a place called Hell?”
 If there is a place called Hell that should settle once and
for all why we take a Hell-fire and damnation position. Is there or is there
not a place called Hell? We must answer the question!
 Is there a place where people are burning at this very
moment? Is there a place that exists called Hell where now people who have died
without Christ are burning in torment and will be there forever and ever?
 Luke chapter 16 is not a parable! Parables never use proper
names and they never use the word “certain.” That means that this rich man is
still burning in Hell and crying out for a drop of water these 2,000 years
 Is there a place called Hell? Is there a place where people
beg for one drop of water? Is there a place where people cry for mercy? Is
there a place where the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched? Is there a
place where people go when God says, “Depart from me for I never knew you.”
there a place where people will go after God says to those on the left hand,
depart from me ye cursed in to everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his
angels? Is it true that the wicked shall be turned into a place called Hell and
all the nations that forget God? Is there a place where those who are not found
written in the Book of Life shall be cast into forever? Is there really a place
called the Lake of Fire?
 Is the rich man still weeping and crying after all these many
years? Is he still crying for one drop of water to cool his tongue? Is he still
begging for someone to go tell his descendants not to come there? Is he still
falling and screaming and begging for mercy after 2,000 years? Is this man
still burning in a place called Hell?
 Hey, we have to decide once and for all is there or is there
not a place called Hell? Hey, we have to decide who is a person who is not
saved going to burn in Hell forever and ever and ever and ever or not?
 If there is no place called Hell let’s quit and go home, but
if there is a place called Hell let’s all become apart of the battle for the
souls of mankind!
 Is it true that my dear wife’s dad who died in pure agony
without receiving Christ is burning in Hell tonight and has been for over four
decades? Is it true then why don’t we forget all of our petty gripes, pretty
grievances, petty prejudices, petty disagreements in our local churches and let
us rise up like a might army and take the Gospel to our city. Why don’t we
remove our pharisaical phylacteries and lead someone to Christ. “But preacher
we don’t save anybody” one man said to me. Ok, then introduce Jesus to some
one! You don’t save any one, but you can win them over to the Saviour!
 If there is a place called Hell! If men are burning! If men
are crying! If men are begging for mercy then why don’t we leave our classrooms
and tell someone how to miss Hell and make Heaven? Is there a place called
 While I was preaching in New Jersey a professor in a college
approached me and told me that he taught Greek and Hebrew to prepare others to
spread the Gospel. I asked him this question “Is there a place called Hell?” Is
there a Hell Mr. professor, Mr. PHD, Mr. Bible teacher, Sunday school teacher,
deacon, usher, secretary, staff member, faculty member, choir member, teenager,
church member, and retired person?
 “But preacher I’m a Methodist!” Ok, is there a Hell Mr.
Methodist? “But I don’t agree with my pastor on everything?” Ok, but can you
agree with him that there is a Hell?”
 These modernistic liberal Southern Baptist Convention
Seminaries don’t know whether Hell exists or not! You who know there is a Hell
ought to be ashamed of yourselves for sending innocent young men of God into
their liberal clutches to be trained for the ministry. They become Bible correctors
and destroy everything that the previous generations have bled and died for! 
can tell you SBC professors how to find out if there is a Hell buy yourself an
old King James Bible and read it and quit correcting it. Billy Graham stated
that he did not know whether there was literal Hell or not because it could be
just the absence of God’s presence. That is exactly what he told TIME MAGAZINE. That is the same thing Joel Osteen said to Larry King. I realize it is not very popular any more, but I ask the question, “Is there or
is there not a place called Hell?”
 If there is a place called Hell and you let your loved ones
die and go there you are a dirty crook! Is that plain enough? I can hear you
now saying, “But it pricks my refinement to think there is a place called
 However, we must answer the question is there or is there not
a place called Hell? If its true that there is a Hell then preach it, teach it,
and tell it! If its true that the one who carried you in her body and labored
in the jaws of death to bring you to life and at whose breasts you found
sustenance is not saved and she’s lost and on her way to Hell then how can you
go out to eat at night? If this were true how can you sleep at night? Again,
the question must be answered is there or is there not a place called Hell?
 If people by the multitudes are plunging toward a Christ less
and godless burning Hell it looks like no one should be called a fanatic who
works to keep people from going to Hell? Is it true that the only man you have
ever called legitimately dad is unsaved at this very moment? Is it true that
you dad is only one breath from the torments of a devils Hell? Is it true that
the one you call mother is only one breath from eternal Hell fire? Is there or
is there not a place called Hell? We must face the question and answer the
 Is it true that the one who joins you in bringing life into
the world and with whom you became the heirs of the grace of life is lost
without Christ and is one heartbeat from going to Hell? Is it true that he or
she is not saved? Is it true that you have a brother or sister who’s without
salvation and only one heart beat from a devils Hell?
 Do those who work beside you day after day know the answer to
keep from going to Hell? Is it true that they are on breath away from Hell? Do
those who live beside you to whom you waive too in the mornings as you pull out
of the drive way and head for work know how to keep from going to Hell? Is it
true that they are one heartbeat away from an eternal Hell? If they die without
Christ will they burn forever in the Lake of Fire?
 Preacher, do those to whom you preach die and go to a place
called Hell? If so we need to start having altar calls. Is there a place called
Hell? “But preacher I rebel at this kind of old fashioned preaching!” Well the
devil doesn’t like it either so classify yourself! Its time to quit playing
church, spiritual patty cake, and religion and start believing like there is a
place called Hell!
 Is it true that those potential bus riders have souls and
could spend an eternity in Hell? Is there or is there not a place called Hell?
If there is a place called Hell then show up for soul winning night at your
church. Shut down the formalistic and ritualistic church services and let’s go
back to reaching sinners with the Gospel. Is there or is there not a place
called Hell? We must answer the question!
 If there is not a place called Hell then I’m gong back to the
house.  If there is no place called
Hell let’s eat, drink, and be merry! If there is not place called Hell then
let’s call the missionaries home. It’s silly for the Kevin Wynns, Rick Martins,
and Tommy Ashcrafts to leave their home land to go to a country that fights
them being there if there is no place called Hell! It’s ridiculous if there is
no place called Hell to go somewhere to teach people how to grow corn!
 If there is no place called Hell let’s stop the buses from
rolling, let’s make a planter box out of the baptistery, let’s close the church
doors, and call the deacons what we have always wanted to call them! If there
is no place called Hell let’s quit the ministry and make money and live it up!
If there is no place called Hell I have purchased my last airplane ticket to go
preach somewhere! If there is no place called Hell I have spent my last Labor
Day away from home attempting to stir Christians about personal soul winning.
If there is no place called Hell then I have checked into my last motel room.
If there is no place called Hell then I have spent my last night in prayer.
 However, if there is a place called Hell then let us plead
for God’s power, let us show up for church soul winning, let us win our
neighbors, let us win our dads, let us win our mothers, and let us win our
co-workers to Christ.  If there is
a place called Hell then let us run the buses, get the soul winners out, get
the preacher boys out soul winning, get the Sunday school teachers out soul
winning, get the college professors out soul winning, get the staff out soul
winning, and get the pastor out soul winning.
 If there is a Hell then put water back into the baptistery,
quit trading the prayer closet for the voting booth, quit turning the bus
captains into precinct captains, and quit trading disgruntled church members.
If there is a Hell let us keep our concern about the murder of the unborn but
be more concerned about the rebirth of the born. If there is a place called
Hell let us keep our burden for the right to life but have a bigger burden for
the right to eternal life. If there is a place called Hell let us return to
Hell fire, spittin’, sloberin’, damnation, brimstone, and leathern lunged
 “But preacher if I preach like that my deacons will fire me!”
The truth is if you don’t preach like that your deacon’s ought to fire you! If
there is a place called Hell let us talk about Jesus the King of King is He,
the Lord of Lords supreme though all eternity, the Great I am, the way, the
truth, the life, the door, let’s talk about Jesus more and more.
 If there is a Hell then let us lift up Jesus as the only hope
of salvation from Hell. If there is a Hell let’s keep the Bible standards in
our local churches and schools. If there is a place called Hell let’s keep
preaching the same old King James Bible without casting doubt on its Words. Hey
Christian there is more to this thing than just making a living or holding the
fort together.
 Soul winning will sober more alcoholics than AA, clean up
more slums than federal social programs, feed more families than welfare, do
more for the children than head start, and save America quicker than politicians.
If there is a place called Hell than trade your record attendances for record
baptisms, trade your emphasis on record offerings for record conversions of the
 Is there a place called Hell? Ok, then let’s return to
talking about Jesus more than politics, more about baptisms than budgets, more
about the church than the school, more about the saving of souls than
basketball scores, and more about who lives in the Father’s house than in the
White House.  Is there a place
called Hell or not?
 One man said to me, “But I’m a Methodist.” My reply was so
was Sam Jones, Bob Jones, and Peter Cartwright! “But I’m a Presbyterian.” Ok,
so was Billy Sunday! “But, I’m a Congregationalist.” Ok, so was D. L. Moody.
The truth is most Bible professors believed there is a place called Hell before
they became a Bible professor.
 Billy Sunday, the Presbyterian, said, “Call it Gahanna,
Hades, or whatever you want to call it, but it’s all Hell to me.”
 Is there a place called Hell? Matthew 25:41 says it is a
prepared place. II Peter 2:4 tells us it is a place, which is down. God cast
wicked angels down into Hell. Revelation 10:13 tells us that Hell is a pit,
which has no bottom to it. Matthew 5:22 lets us know that there is fire in
Hell. II Thessalonians 1:8 and Luke 16:24 reveals that there are real flames of
fire in Hell. Luke 26:24 tells us that fire in Hell causes pain and torment.
Luke 16:24 says that Hell is hot. Matthew 3:12; 25:41; Mark 9:43-45 tells us
that Hell’s fire is unquenchable. Revelation 14:11 says that there is smoke that
rises from the fire in Hell. 
 Revelation 19:20; 20:10 lets us know that there is
brimstone in the fire and that brimstone is sulfur, which is extremely
flammable. Psalm 55:1-5 and II Thessalonians 1:8 tells us that the inhabitants
of Hell will be people who have rejected Christ as payment for their sins.
Matthew 25:41 lets us know that the devil and his angels will inhabit Hell.
Mark 9:43-46 reveals that worms or maggots will be in Hell. Luke 16 tells us
that memory will exist in Hell. Luke 16 tells us that bodies will be in Hell.
 Luke 16 tells us that the minds of those in Hell will be
conscience. Luke tells us that there will b e anguish of mind. II Peter 2:4, 17
reveals to us that darkness will engulf Hell. Matthew 6:25-34 tells us that
hunger will be in Hell because the Bread of Life will be in Heaven and the Tree
of Life will be in Heaven. Daniel 12:2 tells us that shame and contempt will be
in Hell. I John 4:7; Matthew 9:17 tells us that hate, bitterness, and
unhappiness along with all bad human traits will be in Hell. 
 I Corinthians
chapter 15 and Colossians chapter 3 lets us know that no intelligent
conversation will take place in Hell. II Thessalonians 1:8-9 and Psalm 92:7
says that there will be everlasting punishment and destruction. Luke chapter
16, Matthew chapter 23, and Psalm chapter 55 tells us that there is great gulf
fixed. Psalm 75:8 lets us know that God will not and cannot alter his justice.
is the prison house of despair,
are some things that won’t be
flowers will bloom on the banks of Hell
beauties of nature we love so well
comforts of home, music, and song
friendship of joy will be found I that throng
children to brighten the long, weary night
love nor peace-not one ray of light
blood washed soul with face beaming bright
loving smile in that region of night
mercy, no pity, no pardon, no grace
water-oh, God, what a terrible place!
pangs of the lost no human can tell
one moment’s ease-there’s no rest in Hell
is the prison house of despair
are some things that will be there
and brimstone are there, we know,
God in His Word has told us so
remorse, suffering and pain,
and swearers, haters of God
rejecters while here on earth trod
gamblers, drunkards, and liars
have their part in the Lake of Fire
filthy, the vile, the cruel, the mean,
a horrible mob in Hell will be seen!
more than humans on earth can tell
the torments and woes of an eternal Hell!


  1. Thank you for reminding us that there is a literal hell just as there is a literal heaven
    We need to remind Christians that both exist and that each person will spend eternity in one of those places.

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