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II Chronicles 32:31, Howbeit in the business of the ambassadors
of the princes of Babylon, who sent unto him to inquire of the wonder that was
done in the land, God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in
his heart.”
 Hezekiah was one of the greatest of the kings. Probably God’s
people knew only one king greater than Hezekiah and that was King David or at
least he was in the top three of the greatest of the kings in the history of
God’s people.
 Hezekiah led in a great revival. He gathered the people
together at the Temple and led them in national repentance. The Temple worship
was restored and the Passover that had been neglected for many years was kept.
The Temple that had been run down and filled with rubbish has been clean up
under his leadership. Choirs were organized to tour the land and to sing
praises to God and lead the people of God to sing praises unto God. People
began to tithe and give offerings again. They established certain places for the
people of God to get right with God financially and by the way nobody ever has
revival without a revival of giving. I would be ashamed to be a member of one
of God’s blood bought local churches and not give my tithes and offerings to
 Idols were destroyed and the Scriptures were read in public
places because of the leadership of Hezekiah. A time of thanksgiving was set
and a mighty deliverance was given from their bitter and perpetual enemy Syria.
 It was a wonderful time of revival. Only a few other times in
all of the life of God’s people where there was revival anywhere near to
comparing to this revival in the days of Hezekiah. King Josiah led God’s people
in a great revival and there were others who led God’s people in revival, but
none were as great as this revival under King Hezekiah.
 As a result of this revival King Hezekiah became
internationally honored. Ambassadors came from all over the known world to
bring him gifts and to honor him. Other great dignitaries came to see this
great King Hezekiah. Ladies and gentlemen when greatness comes your way you had
better watch it, you had better be careful, because failure has slain its
thousands while success has slain its tens of thousands! It is awfully hard for
creatures of dust as we humans are to take success without nudging ourselves a
little bit into the limelight of honor.
 Hezekiah was not able to stand the praise and the success he
experienced! His heart was lifted up with pride and because of this pride
Hezekiah was made sick even sick unto death. He turned his face toward the wall
and the Scriptures tell us, “He sought the Lord” and he humbled himself and God
healed him. God gave him 15 more years to live.
 With that blessing came more honors and more wealth! The
Bible tells us about the silver, the gold, the jewels, the corn, the wine, the
cattle, the flocks, the herds, the fame, and other things that man would
associate with material blessings. All of this came to King Hezekiah.
 Ambassadors were sent from Babylon to bring gifts and to give
him honor. Hezekiah was basking once again in the sunlight of fame all the way
into Babylon. Please follow this carefully! Here is King Hezekiah; he led in a
great revival, God blessed, pride came, he was made ill, he humbled himself, and sought the Lord and God healed him by giving him 15 more years to his life. 
 Then God said, “I’d better give Hezekiah a little check up. I’d better check his heart and
give him a little spiritual stress test.” God said, “Howbeit in the business of
the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon who sent unto him to inquire of the
wonder that was done in the land God left him to try him that he might know all
that was in his heart.”
 God said, “I’m going to hide from the sight of Hezekiah
for awhile. I’m going to find out what is in his heart. He served me when he
had plenty of corn. I‘m going to find out if he will serve me when he has
little corn. He served me when the vats were filled so now I’m going to find
out if he will serve me when the vats are empty. He loved me and served me when
he had silver, gold, precious stones, beautiful jewels, and expensive gems, but
I’m going to find out if he will still serve me and love me when the gold,
silver, jewels, and precious metals are all gone.” 
 God said, “He served me when
he had fame now I’m going to take away his fame and see if he will serve me
when he has no fame. He served me when he had cattle so I’m going to see if he
will serve me if he has no cattle.”
 Why don’t we just put it down where we live? God sometimes
says, “You served me when there was prosperity and I’m going to see if you will
serve me when there is no prosperity. You served me when there was plenty and
I’m going to find out if you will serve me when there is lack. You served me
when you were employed and now I’m going to find out if you will serve when you
are unemployed.”
 God says, “I’m going to check out King Hezekiah’s heart. I’m
going to find out what is in his heart.” God said, “He served me when he had
flocks and herds and now I’m going to find out what he will do without the
flocks and the herds. He served me when ambassadors from other countries came
and brought him gifts and honors. Let’s see if he will serve me when the
ambassadors quit coming and the gifts quit coming and the honors quit coming
his way. He served me when he was on top now let’s check him out and see if he
will serve me when he is on the bottom. He served me when the sun was at high
noon so let’s see if he will serve me when its midnight in his life. He served
me when things were rosy and all was good, now let’s see if he will serve me
when seemingly turn my back on him. 
 I’m going to hide from him so now let’s see
if he will still serve me. When the rain comes will he serve me? When the
clouds come will he still serve me? When the darkness overtakes him will he
still serve me?
 The truth is God sometimes looks down on a nation and he
says, “That nation had churches on every street corner. That nation believes
the Bible to be the perfect, inerrant, and inspired Words of God Himself. That nation
has prosperity and I’m going to send a recession and maybe even a depression to
see what they are made of spiritually.”
 The same thing is true of individuals when God sometimes does
the same thing to individuals. The real you will come out when the clouds roll
in, when the storms come, the midnights arrive, the recession hits, the layoffs
are announced, the depression is felt, the persecution comes your way, and
illness knocks on our life’s door.
 Sometimes God gives His children a complete physical and
gives them stress test to check up on us. The danger is that we don’t realize
that pride cometh before and after a fall if we are not diligent spiritually.
God checks our hearts to see if they are bitter the second time. God checks our
hearts to see if it is proud the second time. God checks our hearts the second
time to see if there is hatred, lust, covetousness, jealousy, or envying.
 So, after the first fall Hezekiah recovers and bounces back
up onto his feet spiritually. God departs the second time for a season from
Hezekiah to check out his heart because pride cometh before and after a fall.
It is so easy when things are going well and we accomplished something of an
extraordinary manner to bask in the sunlight. It is even easier to do it a second
time and steal the spotlight from God. Failure has destroyed thousands but
success has destroyed tens of thousands!
 That is exactly what happened to Job! Everything was going
well for Job. He was on topside, had wealth, health, family, and was known
throughout the known world. He lives in prosperity and Satan came to God and
said, “Take away his positions and he’ll turn his back on you.” God said, “Ok,
but don’t touch his life.” Satan came and took all of Job’s wealth and health.
He destroyed all of his sheep, oxen, cattle, donkeys, camels, and all of his
houses. Yet, Job said, “Though he slay me yet will I trust him.” “I know my
redeemer liveth and he shall stand again at the last day.”
 Satan comes back and says, “I’ll take his children.” A great
wind came and all ten of Job’s children were taken at one time in death. Can
you begin to imagine the heartache? I see ten caskets. I see a man of God
comforting Mr. and Mrs. Job. I see them standing at the graveside as those ten
bodies are lowered into the ground. Job what do you have to say now? “Though he
slay me yet will I trust him.”
“I know my redeemer liveth and he shall stand
again at the last day.”
What a man!
 I can almost hear God saying to Satan, “You were wrong
weren’t you!” Satan says, “Ok let me touch his body?” God said, “Ok.” I see Job
with a severe disease. I see him sitting in the burning embers of the city
dump. I see corruption oozing from his open sores all over his body. I see Job
acquiring a knife and beginning to scrape his flesh attempting to find some
relief. I see him sitting in the burning coals looking for any kind of relief
Then I see Job’s wife come and say, “Why don’t you curse God and
Wow, look at Job sitting in that ash heap. His children all gone, money all
gone, camels all gone, oxen all gone. Sheep all gone, donkeys all gone, his
houses and lands gone, health gone, friends gone, and his wife has turned on
 I can hear Satan saying to God, “Now, let’s look and see if
he is still the great Job you said he was.” Job looked at his leveled houses,
leveled barns, barren fields, dead cattle, dead oxen, looked at his children’s
graves, saw his wife turning on him, friends left him, and then Job looked at
his body wrecked and ruined by disease; he who was the richest is now the
poorest, he who was in perfect health is now the sickest of all, he who was on
top side is now on bottom side, and he shouts, “Though he slay me yet will I
trust him.” “I know that my redeemer liveth and he shall stand again at the last
 What a man! Job stood the test of failure, poverty, death,
and illness. Wait something happened! Job said to himself, “Boy oh boy. I don’t
think any one could have taken what I have taken. No one that I know of could
have stood this test like I did and like Hezekiah Job became proud. God had to
send a parade of what God Himself had done in front of Job to cause Job to
realize he is nothing compared to Almighty God.
 God said, “Job here are some ostriches. How many of those
have you made? Here is some snow. How many snow flakes have you made Job? Here
is some rain how much rain have you made Job? Here are some peacocks. How many
Peacocks have you made Job? Here are some elephants? How many elephants have
you made Job? Here is a rainbow. How many rainbows have you made Job?” Job said
at the end of God’s parade, “I abhor myself.”
 Hezekiah became proud. Job became proud. Pride cometh before
and after a fall. God hates a proud look and you will no have a proud look
until you have a proud heart. “My, my, I have become a pretty good soul
winner!” Better watch it and be careful to always give the glory to God. If God
has blessed you in any way be careful. Isaiah 4:6, “All our righteousnesses are
as filthy rags.”
Not our badness but out goodness. Not our worst but our best.
 The Israelites came to God one time and said, “Everybody else
has a king. Why can’t we have a king? Just because everyone else ahs something
does not make it right nor does it mean you are supposed to have it. When in
Rome do as Christians do and not as Romans do! What is at play here? Pride!
 Proverbs 16:18 is so true when it says, “Pride goeth before
destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall”
but it is as equally true that
when you survive a fall you can also be struck down with pride. Success has
ruined a lot of God’s people not only in the Scriptures but also in modern
days. When these tests come into our lives and we survive them all of us should
be careful that pride doesn’t sneak in the back door.
 Pride ruined Hezekiah, Job, and Israel not only the first
time but also the second time. Pride cometh before a fall and after a fall!
 Israel said to God, “Let us have a king. Everybody else has a
king. Syria, Moab, Amnon, Edomites, Egypt, Damascus, Tyre, and Sidon all have
kings. Why can’t we have a king?” So God said, “Ok!”
 God gave them the finest specimen of a man in the land. Saul
was head and shoulder taller physically than anybody else’s in the kingdom. He
was even taller than too-tall Jones! Ha! He was fair of face and countenance.
He was strong of body. He was humble. He said one time, “Me, why I’m just a
child. I couldn’t ever be king.” God like that quality and made him king. Saul
sought help and because he was little in his own eyes and sought such help
victory after victory came. The blessings of God came on Saul. What happened?
Saul became proud!
 Little David came along and Saul became jealous. His pride
led to jealousy and jealousy led to attempted murder of a lad. Little David
fled from King Saul. Why was Saul doing this horrible thing? His heart was not
right with God. He was no longer humble before God.
 Be careful if the victories are seemingly coming easily. Be
careful if you have a pretty face. Be careful if you have a winsome
personality. Be careful if you have a big physique. Saul’s pride led to his
 Look out Hezekiah your pride is showing! Look out Job your
pride is starting to show! Look out Israel your pride is beginning to show!
Look out King Saul your pride is showing! Pride will cause more people burn in
Hell than anything. Pride of God’s people will cause them to go deeper into
sin. All of us had better be careful!
 If Saul, the most humble man in the kingdom and the
outstanding man in all of Israel can be lifted up with pride so can you!
 I think honestly that he was overall a pretty decent man. I
think later on in his life that he was saved. I think he is an underrated man.
Yes, he led the attack on Israel as a heathen king and was used by God to take
Israel into captivity.
 Nebuchadnezzar became proud and God caused him to become so
physically down that he ended up walking on all fours like an animal. Go ahead
and don’t stay right with God. He can still reach you no matter where you are!
 Hezekiah you had better be careful! Job you had better be
careful! Israel you had better be careful! King Saul you had better be careful!
Nebuchadnezzar you had better be careful! By the way all of us ought to be
 The same thing happened to King David. He was king why should
he go to battle? He can just send others to fight and with that pride came
adultery and murder! Watch it Hezekiah, Job, Israel, Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, and
 How does God respond? He will hide Himself so you can’t see
Him. That way you will realize your need of Him. You will think that God has
forsaken you! All God is doing is checking your heart out.
 Pride cometh before and after a fall. All of us have to be
careful and allow God to test our hearts from time to time.

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