“If it’s none of your business then don’t make it your business.” Bob Gray Sr scpJanuary 21, 2020Daily Quotes, MEMES
“Rivers cut through rocks because of persistence not power.” Bob Gray Sr scpOctober 8, 2019Daily Quotes, MEMES
“Accusations are always on the front page while retractions are always on the back page.” Bob Gray Sr scpSeptember 19, 2019Daily Quotes, MEMES
“God’s people have no business going back to the world or bringing the world into church.” Bob Gray Sr scpSeptember 16, 2019Daily Quotes, MEMES
“Faith can move mountains while doubt can create them.” Bob Gray Sr scpAugust 21, 2019Daily Quotes, MEMES
“Live life in such a way that if someone spoke ill of you no one would believe it.” ~ Bob Gray Sr scpNovember 24, 2018Daily Quotes, MEMESLeave a Comment
“It’s not happy people who are thankful; it’s thankful people who are happy.” ~ Bob Gray Sr scpNovember 24, 2018Daily Quotes, Happiness, MEMESLeave a Comment
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” ~ Bob Gray Sr scpNovember 24, 2018Daily Quotes, MEMESLeave a Comment