My plane landed just in time for the Wednesday night Bible study at Longview Baptist Temple. I scurried home to feed the little wife (bought a personal pan pizza), unpacked, did the laundry, and the dishes. Showered and dressed for the Bible study. I left for church and was met in the parking lot by Pastor Haley and two of his sons Trevor and Mitchell. Then a little bit later I met Mrs. Haley and their daughter Audrey. Both Richie and Audrey are enrolling as freshmen at TBC. Pastor Haley is being used of God to build a great work in the great state of Kansas. I had the honor of preaching for this good man of God this year and the buildings were packed. You would almost think that the old time religion still worked. No emerging church theory for this church just old fashioned King James Bible preaching!
I went to the WAYNE DANIEL BUILDING after the Bible study for a reception of some of the new students along with their families. It was a wonderful time of fellowship. This looks like it will be a tremendous year for TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE. You will not have to worry about any one put a question mark on the KJB at TBC. By the way you will not find anyone using Southern Baptist Convention bridge builders being quoted here either. What worked for Dr. Jack Hyles, Dr. Tom Malone, and Dr. Curtis Hutson will will work in 2010! GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGON!