WOW! I actually was able to spend Saturday morning at home! I had to do some “honey do” projects and run several errands for the little lady of the house, but that was OK. I was able to also check on some of my converts and lead some folks to Christ. I then worked on a new chapter for JUST A THOUGHT Volume VI.
I believe my series of books entitled “LET’S TALK ABOUT JESUS” is complete now. It will be a 5 volume set and I honestly wish that every preacher could and would take the time to read this set of books. They are being proofed by Mrs. Marsha Parker who is the best at what she does. Very thorough! Then they will be given to my daughter Karen Forgy and then to her husband Tim Forgy. After that they will be sent back to me to review and make some last minute changes. I am extremely excited about this series! I will keep you updated!
Please visit SOLVECHURCHPROBLEMS.COM for available sermons that can be downloaded and many of my books are also available in an eBook formate through SMASHWORDS.COM and AMAZON.COM. Just enter BOB GRAY SR and you will see what is available.
I drove to Gainesville, Texas, to preach for my good friend Dr. Gary Way who pastors the CROSSROADS BAPTIST CHURCH. They built a few years back one of the most beautiful church buildings! Dr. Way has been pastoring this dear church for 24 years and has done an excellent job of keeping the old time religion alive. I have had the honor of preaching for this dear man of God since 1989. Dr. Jack Hyles and I preached here together years ago. Dr. Hyles would often comment about Dr. Way and his family as being the ideal pastor and family. I believe he was right!
I just called my converts again to make sure they were still going in the morning. I have had 5 baptisms so far this month and I’m looking forward to a great day back at LBT and other churches where God has allowed me to have potential baptisms. GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!
Thursday night one of the dearest ladies I have ever known went home to be with the Lord. Mrs. Connie Engelman who had been fighting cancer for many months finally saw the face of her Saviour. Mrs. Engelman was the dear wife of Pastor Bruce Engelman of the BAPTIST TEMPLE of Fort Worth, Texas. Bruce and Connie were staff members as well as church members of LBT for almost 5 years. I have never known a more faithful and dedicated couple in my 38 years of preaching. I had the honor of preaching for Bruce for many years and have admired his family. Please pray for this dear family.
Visitation will be held Monday from 6-8 at the Greenwood Funeral Home at 3100 White Settlement Road of Fort Worth, Texas, and the service will be conducted at 11 am on Tuesday at the Trinity Baptist Church at 2212 N. Davis Drive of Arlington, Texas.
Psalm 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”
We were so sorry to learn of Mrs. Engleman.
Yes, Mrs. Parker is VERY good! What a blessing she must be to you! HA! Thank GOD for the promise of Heaven. What a beautiful Scripture is found in Psalm 116.
YES, I agree, Mrs. Parker IS very good at what she does! She's simply the best! (But then again, being her sister, I am a bit biased). Thank you, Bro. Gray, for your unwaivering conviction and your insight into God's word. You truly are a blessing!