I will be flying to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to preach for my good friend Pastor Brent Lenentine. This is a great soul winning church led by a great personal soul winner. I will be teaching Sunday school, preaching Sunday morning, and preaching Sunday night.
On Monday I will be joined by Evangelist Allen Domellee. This is a veteran Evangelist and has covered this nation keeping alive what his preacher and my preacher Dr. Jack Hyles stood for, lived for, and died for. There will be a Monday night service with Evangelist Domellee and myself beginning at 7 pm. If you are in the area please make an effort to join us for a great night at the Gospel Light Baptist Church!
Dr. Hyles has been so misrepresented by some young pups who are doing nothing more than attempting to make themselves look great at the expense of a great man of God. Dr. Hyles had more power in his little finger than these “Johnny come lately” puppets who want to appear to be prophets.
Can you imagine Dr. Jack Hyles today in Heaven listening to those who are saying the English King James Bible is lacking inspiration and that we would have to travel to England to look at the so-called “originals.” Now, they are claiming that Dr. Hyles did not go soul winning! Mark my word, after the passing of Mrs. Hyles there will be a conjecturing and a smear campaign on Dr. Hyles’ morals. You can just see it coming!!!!! If you cannot do a greater work than make his look lesser?????
It has been a great week of soul winning. I just finished calling 4 converts who said to me they are coming to church on Sunday. I am excited about one family in particular. I have had the honor of leading 7 to Christ this week and I am praying for them to get out of bed on Sunday morning! Ha! GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!