Seattle Baptist Church
I flew from Tyler, Texas, to DFW Saturday and then flew on to Seattle from there. On my flight to Seattle I sat next to a soldier who is stationed in the Seattle area. Her name was Gladys. I spoke to her and gave her one of our church Gospel tracts. I went through the Scriptures and explained how she could know for sure that she was going to Heaven when she died. In a few minutes she bowed her head and trusted Christ to pay for all of her sins. These dear soldiers look so young too me! God bless these dear men and women who are serving our nation! God is so good! He has given me 8 souls this week. GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!
I arrived in Seattle, WA, Saturday at 2:30 and the pastor Dr. David Cox picked me up from the airport and drove me to the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS. We stopped by the McDonalds for a grilled chicken salad. I settled in and phoned my wife and some of my converts to make sure the converts were still planning on going to church Sunday. I then went down to the exercise room and did 8 miles on the treadmill. I watched Arkansas beat South Carolina! Michigan State also won their ball game! AMEN! Oops…horray! I went back to my room, showered, and dressed for bed. I changed the time on my alarm clock and that’s all I remember!
This morning I taught in Sunday school my lesson on “FORGIVENESS.” I preached this morning my sermon “WHO SHALL BE DAMNED?” God gave us precious souls! Tonight I preached my sermon “WHY DO I STILL HAVE MY BURDENS?” God gave us 2 baptisms tonight. AMEN! Dr. Cox started this church 20 years ago and SEATTLE BAPTIST CHURCH has become one of the great churches in the Northwest. What a great group of people. The spirit was tremendous! These folks love the Lord!
When I arrived back at the motel I asked the clerk to give me a wake up call at 4 am. I will be taking a 7 am flight to DFW and then a 4 pm flight to Longview! I will be home about 5:15! This was a wonderful Lord’s Day! GOTTA LOVE SERVING THE LORD!