I was up early and walked my 4 miles on the treadmill, had my quiet time and drove Dr. Russell Anderson’s car to meet my son Scott and grandson Scott Jr. for breakfast. We had a great time! Scott Jr. will be a Senior next year in high-school. WOW! It is hard to believe.
I preached on Tuesday night my sermon “LET’S GO SOUL WARNING!” Scott Jr., Philip, Steven, and Scott Sr. were able to come to the meeting. Scott was preaching in TN over the week end and arrived back home late Monday night. I always enjoy being with Scott and the boys. I slipped in for the first sermon with Dr. Anderson and sat on the back row. Steven spotted me and left where he was and came to sit with me while Dr. Monte Watts preached.
I also was able to visit the grave of Dr. Jack Hyles while here and pause to think of him. I loved Dr. Hyles very much and miss him. He was a composite of all the great men of God that I knew of his day! I preached with him the first time in December of 1978 and I preached with him in his last Bible Conference in Mexico before he graduated to Heaven. I was honored to share the pulpit with him somewhere in America for 22 years. Thank you Dr. Hyles! GOTTA LOVE SERVING THE LORD!