This morning I was up early, had my quiet time, finished packing, did my 2 miles, showered, dressed, and fixed a light breakfast for the Mrs. and myself. Oh, yes I finished the dishes and the laundry. What a great homemaker I have become. Ha!
Mrs. G had the “pic” taken out of her chest and next week we will find out from Dr. Hickerson if the blood culture is OK. She still has the rest of the staples to be taken out from her hip surgery. She is doing much better. Still have to be very careful not to trip or fall and mess up the surgery.
I drove myself to the Longview airport and caught a flight to DFW and then flew to the Northwest airport in to preach at the COLONIAL HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH of Rogers, Arkansas. Dr. Claud Slate is the pastor and their church is hosting an “I LOVE AMERICA” rally.
I was going over my New Testament this morning and was praising God for his blessings last month. The Lord gave me 44 people trusting Christ, 29 professions, and 12 baptisms in spite of all the health issues with Mrs. G. It really was a miraculous month of soul winning. So far in 2011 God has given me 263 saved with 73 of those following the Lord in baptism. I am 3 ahead of last year at this time with the baptisms. GOTTA LOVE SOUL WINNING!