I will be preaching for my good friend Dr. Mike Callaghan who pastors the ARLINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH of Richmond, CA., this Sunday and Monday. I have had the honor of preaching for this dear church for many years. This is a great soul winning church and I always enjoy being with them.
I will be flying out of Tyler, TX., in the morning into DFW and then on to San Francisco. It is a long flight and will give me an opportunity to work on my new book LEADING FROM THE FRONT. This is going to be an exciting book about leadership qualities not just for pastors, but for every person who is in a position of leadership.
I am finishing up the dust jacket for my new 400 page hard back book on the life time principles of Dr. Jack Hyles. I am thrilled with this book and I believe it will help this generation to visit the principles even though they are unable to visit the man. I have never known any one as principled as Dr. Hyles. First Baptist Church did not make Jack Hyles for Jack Hyles made First Baptist Church through Biblical principles. This church under his leadership averaged 20,000 in their Sunday schools and produced 3,000 graduates from his college. Thousands of churches were influenced by this man of principle and those principles still work. It is time to listen to the old men instead of the young men who discount the work of men like Dr. Hyles. Pastors, before you join the EMERGING CHURCH movement read this book!
I was in touch with the printers today and it will take 5 weeks to complete the printing of this book once I give them the go ahead. I want to thank Mrs. Marsha Parker, Mrs. Diana Ayres, and Mrs. Karen Forgy for their unselfish work on this vital book. Mrs. Parker did the majority of the work with not only the book, but with locating and negotiating the people to make this book possible.
This book will help clear the air about the misinformation campaign to minimize Dr. Hyles’ impact on the growth of the 60’s, 70-‘s, and 80’s great Sunday schools in America. He is one of the fathers of the big church in America and those principles still work because they are Biblical.
Church book stores who pre-order by the case will receive 50 % off and individuals who pre-order will receive 25% off the retail price of $ 24.95. Every pastor who pre orders for their church book store will receive an autographed copy of the book. This will be a must read for church leaders and young people who missed out on knowing Dr. Jack Hyles.
Call 903-576-1307 and ask for Mrs. Ayres or call 903-452-1783 and ask for Mrs. Karen Forgy. You may email any questions to [email protected] or call me at 903-237-9019.