Dr. Bob Gray II |
Last night I had the honor of preaching at the LONGVIEW BAPTIST TEMPLE for my son Pastor Bob Gray II. What a tremendous and exciting church LBT is. My son, whom his mother still calls Bobby, is doing a marvelous job.
The pdf file is at the printers in California and is scheduled to go to press in couple of weeks. I am excited about this new book. This will be my 31st book and by far the most critical of all subject matter. This is a 408 page hard back book with a dust jacket. This is not a book of sermons rather a book of the life time of Biblical principles of Dr. Jack Hyles.
Please call 903-576-1307 or 903-452-1783 to take advantage of the pre-order 50% special for a case of 16 books. This special is only good for 6 weeks. You may email me at [email protected] for any questions you may have. GOTTA LOVE OLD TIME RELIGION!