It is time to wake up and take advantage of this 50% off of a case of 16 books of WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING! In just two days the price will be $24.95 per book. This is a MUST read if you have a desire to employ Bible principles used by Dr. Jack Hyles.
“I opened the box of 16 and took out one book. I took it home with me and did not stop reading it until 12:30 that night. All I can say is ‘GREAT BOOK’!”
“I was given WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING by a pastor friend. I must admit I was skeptical at first. I graduated from Dr. Hyles’ college and went my own way. I am SHOCKED at how much I had forgotten that I was taught by him! Thank you for writing this book!”
“Thank you for the Bible principles you reminded us of utilized by Dr. Hyles. We are experiencing revival in the Philippines because of the principles taught by Dr. Hyles and you have reminded us of those very principles.”
“I have always loved Dr. Jack Hyles and admired him from a distance. I have through your book had my heart warmed and I could not put it down once I started reading it. I am determined more than ever to reproduce those principles in my ministry!”
“I received the case of 16 and gave them to my church leaders and several local fundamental pastors. My laymen have come back to me and asked me to order more for their friends. Thank you for causing us to remember the real Dr. Jack Hyles.”
“I was in my office when the case of 16 came and I opened the case and started removing the books. My son came in and said, “Dad can I have one of those books?” Before I knew it all 16 were gone and I would like to order another case please! This book is like visiting with Dr. Hyles personally! Thank you for writing it.”
“I just received my copy of WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING and I found myself weeping as I read the book. I also found myself missing Dr. Hyles more than ever before. Fundamentalism has gone wacky and oh how we need Dr. Hyles, but since we cannot have him at least we can be reminded of his principles through your book. Have you thought about you turning it into an AUDIO BOOK? I mean with you doing it and not someone else. I can almost hear your voice when I read this book!”
“My pastor gave me your book WHEN PRINCIPLES WAS KING. He told me it might make me mad. After reading just a couple hundred pages I have discovered more valuable principles to use in a practical and daily manner than I have ever read in any book before. I had to take the time to say, ‘Thank you!'”
I hope you will call 903-576-1307 or 903-237-9019 and take advantage of the 50% off offer when you purchase a case of 16 books. (Plus S/H) You may email [email protected] for information.
You have just two days left. As of midnight 12-31-11 these books will have to be sold for $24.95 to recoup the expense. This was nearly a two year project and thousands of hours of labor put into this book. Nearly two thousand have been sold to date. Don’t be left out!