Sunday Morning |
Tuesday Night |
Dr. Anderson at Luncheon |
Dr. Paul Duckett Sr |
Noon Luncheon |
Tuesday Morning |
TBC Grads |
Sunday Morning |
This was the very first INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE this past week end at the FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH of Oak Creek, WI., just outside of Milwaukee, WI.
Dr. Dean Noonan is the pastor of the church he was saved in, served as a youth director and now for these past 20 years has been their pastor.
This past week end there were 76 folks who trusted Christ in all of the services and 781 in attendance. The buildings were packed beyond capacity and the spirit was excellent. This is a tremendous example of a church who stays with the old time religion and is aggressively reaching the Milwaukee area with the Gospel.
After Sunday night I was able to have a picture taken of 6 of the 8 TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE grads who are working in FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH and myself. TBC has 420 grads serving in churches like this throughout the land.
This was the first INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE and hopefully there will be many more around our nation. We opened up the conference on Monday night with a full building and 33 pastors in attendance. More came in on Tuesday and by Tuesday night there were 54 different pastors who were able to attend the conference.
Dr. Russell Anderson spoke at the noon luncheon to us about “YOU STAY SUCCESSFUL THE WAY YOU BECAME SUCCESSFUL.” He is such an encouragement to everyone. He has a tremendous heart for the things of God. Independent Baptists have a great heritage and it must not be squandered for popularity sake.
Dr. Paul Duckett Sr. set the atmosphere with his music. The choir was excellent and the music was not the kind the “Emerging Church” crowd is pushing. God deliver us from this new generation of young fundamentalist who are ruining the name of independent Baptist.
Pastor Todd Poynter and Dr. Shelton Smith opened up the conference with two tremendous down home sermons. The atmosphere was electrifying. Tuesday morning we conducted classes for pastors, staff, ladies, teens, and youth. We assembled back in the auditorium where Pastor Brent Lenetine reminded us of the old fashioned method going soul winning door to door and not giving up on personal soul winning. His church in Rio Rancho, NM, has grown in 24 years from his family to averaging 600 through aggressive soul winning and not “Saturday Night Live Concerts.” Hey, you would almost believe personal soul winning still works if you will work it!
Pastor Poynter had 585 last Sunday after starting 17 years ago with his family just outside of Indianapolis, IN. He also reiterated the way to do it is hard work, but fruitful work of personal soul winning. There is not an easy way to do a hard job.
Dr. Russell Anderson preached on the “120 CLUB” on Tuesday night and took us to Acts chapter 2 and explained what is required to be a member of the “120 CLUB.” It was great! I closed out the conference with my sermon “IS THERE A PLACE CALLED HELL?”
I will keep you updated as to where the next (Lord willing) INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CONFERENCE will be held. Please go to INDEPENDENTBAPTIST.COM and subscribe to our newsletter. Pastors check out the 3 months of free advertising opportunity. GOTTA LOVE THE OLD TIME RELIGION!