Donnie Vanskike will be driving me to Tyler, TX, to catch a flight to DFW and then on to Lexington, KY. I will be preaching for my friend Pastor Dwayne Walker who pastors the MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH of Lexington.
I will be teaching Sunday school and preaching both Sunday services. Also, I will be preaching Monday and Tuesday night at 7 pm. If you are in the area please come and join us for some old fashioned church services.
Recently I talked to a pastor whose heart has been broken by staff members, including his own family members, who left and started a church in the area with an Emergent Church philosophy. I have for a long time wondered about these young ones who seem to know more than J. Frank Norris, Dr. Dallas Billington, Dr. Jack Hyles, Dr. Russell Anderson, Dr. Lee Roberson, Evangelist Lester Roloff, Dr. John R. Rice and others whom God used to turn the tide for soul winning in America in their generation.
I thought for a long time these folks chasing the Emergent Church dream were simply attempting to draw a crowd. After watching a video clip of one of the services of these who split from a blessed independent Baptist church in the Chicago, ILL., area, pastored by a friend, I am convinced it is because they are simply fleshly oriented.
What these young pups do not understand is they have been and will be conduits for serious doctrinal error. Please go to INDEPENDENTBAPTIST.COM for an upcoming series about the dangers. The truth is the music with the guitars and bongos is horrible. I would rather listen to the real thing than this noise. It is EMBARRASSING to the music world, let alone to our LORD!
I noticed a girl in the “praise team” with a short skirt on the left of the platform and she kept tugging at her short skirt. I wondered, “WHY?,” it’s too late to worry about modesty now.
These are Hyles-Anderson grads who left a great man of God and are acting out in a nightclub fashion in an attempt to not reach the lost, but to justify there love of a worldly lifestyle.
Maybe bragging on Pastor G of the Richmond Outreach Center of Richmond, VA., from the platform of First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN., has back fired! This dancing and rapping so-called church has been uplifted and this is the result! Shame! The separation aspect from the world does not become stricter from this point on. Loose as a goose in a hail storm!
You may point out some TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE grads who are just as spiritually dumb, but it will not be because the pulpit of LONGVIEW BAPTIST TEMPLE bragged on such non-sense!