I have been some what disturbed by some of the response to my recent article about Jack Schaap. I noticed commonality among some of the comments.
1) Vulgar language
2) A naivety about leaders who violate the law
3) Avoiding church because of others
4) Blaming an entire group for the sins of a few
5) Saying this is none of any one elses’ business
6) Only print the positive about someone even though they violate the law.
Please do not misunderstand what I am writing…I love Hyles-Anderson College and wish nothing but the best for her. However, when Darrell Moore and others preach from the FBC pulpit that these are local church issues and no one has a right to say anything about the choices of FBC he is dead WRONG.
As long as you send out HAC tour groups, as long as you send out HAC speakers to promote HAC, as long as you print advertisements extolling the virtues of HAC, and as long as you come after our children we have a RIGHT to be concerned about what goes on at FBC and who the next pastor will be.
When the pastor Jack Schaap spoke and wrote that those who believed the King James Bible was preserved inspiration were “ignorant” I meet with our seniors along with their parents. I told them I could no longer recommend HAC.
Then multiple issues came to the surface about the belief system of the FBC pastor that was extremely alarming pastors who were then forced to stand up. Do these pastors have a right? ABSOLUTELY! The answer is simple for FBC – SHUT DOWN HYLES-ANDERSON COLLEGE and we will never say another word. Other wise “If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen!” How about “THE BUCK STOPS HERE!” I have other Scriptures also! Ha!
Then multiple issues came to the surface about the belief system of the FBC pastor that was extremely alarming pastors who were then forced to stand up. Do these pastors have a right? ABSOLUTELY! The answer is simple for FBC – SHUT DOWN HYLES-ANDERSON COLLEGE and we will never say another word. Other wise “If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen!” How about “THE BUCK STOPS HERE!” I have other Scriptures also! Ha!
It seems my last article brought out the worst in some people. I have often thought since the last Presidential election that our nation has crossed a line of liberalism from which we may never recover from. I am also beginning to fear that fundamental independent Baptists have been overwhelmed with the liberal “FFF” and “Do-right blog” (female) mentality. The loose language and sexual innuendos are disgusting.
Dr. Hyles used to say, “Don’t make decisions when your decision maker is broken.” Well, if that is true then it stands to reason we probably should not go to someone for counsel or advice when their decision maker is broken. Jack Schaap’s decision maker is most definitely broken.
Think about it. He chose to become involved in a prolonged sexual relationship with a 16 year-old girl. Now tell me how “wise” that is and why I would want to seek his counsel or advice about anything AT THIS POINT. This is foolish thinking! Especially if you are a leader of God’s people.
- To the 16 year-old young lady
- To her family
- To his wife
- To his parents
- To his children
- To FBC
- To the cause of Christ
- To my LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ
It was a warning to the rest of us. We are foolish if we do not recognize responsibility to restore him while at the same time not being careless of how we are handling this situation. I do not apologize for my position, but I do blame those who are defying Biblical wisdom and winking at what he did by…
- Seeking his advice
- Wanting his continued influence on them
- Wanting his influence on their church or ministry
- Showering him with adoration
- Praising him publicly as some kind of great man who slipped
- Pretending it was one sin that destroyed him
Please allow me to clarify what I did NOT say in my recent article. I stand by every one of these things and no reasoned response has proven me wrong.
- I DID say that no one should take advice for now from him
- I DID say that he has forfeited his right to do certain things for an extended period of time
- I DID NOT say that people should not communicate with him by encouraging him and letting him know they are praying for him
- I DID NOT say he could not be restored
- I DID say he could be restored.
Many have asked me when I believe Jack Schaap can or will be restored. Here is my answer.
His restoration must be on several levels.
- First there is his relationship with God
- Second there is the process of his restoration with his wife
- Third there is restoration in his ministry with GOD
He can be restored in his fellowship and relationship with the LORD as soon as he confesses his sins to Him. He does not have to tell you or me about it. That is between Jack and God. I trust he has done so.
I cannot nor will I judge whether or not he has done so. Please remember that none of us at this point can know whether or not he has. He was deceiving us when he was caught, so we do not yet know whether or not he is now sincere. I take it at face value, but I will not say that I know for sure he is right with God. I do not know and neither do you. TIME WILL TELL!
His relationship with his wife…I am amazed at the selfishness, and foolishness that would cause people to seek advice from him while he needs to be focusing and attempting to fix his own marriage. The first institution God established was marriage and the home. Forget the ministry and focus on the marriage should be the call of the day for Jack Schaap and those writing and contacting him in jail.
I have been a pastor for 33 years and in the ministry for 40 years. I will tell you unequivocally Cindy Schaap is not alright, nor is their marriage fixed. Please hear me out. What Jack did created a deep wound in her heart and in their marriage which only time will heal.
They are both broken people and some idiots are asking Jack to help them in their ministry. How selfish can some people be? You are enabling and encouraging a child molester who has a broken marriage to fix your ministry problem?
They need our love, our compassion, our prayers, but most of all our patience. They do not need our admiration, adulations, worship, or adoration. Jack and Cindy need to feel the hand of restoration lovingly being extended to them. They need to be relieved of all influence they exert to any ministry.
These are NOT people ready to resume their “thrones” in the world of which they were once leaders. I applaud FBC for relieving them both from their positions. I applaud them for relieving Jack as a result of forfeiting his right and I applaud them for relieving Cindy for she needs time to heal. This takes priority over any ministering.
I believe God can and will use Cindy in a wonderful way to be of aid to other ladies in days to come. However, now is not the time. She is hurting deeply. Mrs. Gray and I are praying for her daily and diligently.
This is confusing to me as to how foolish and selfish some people can be when it come to Jack Schaap. He has NO BUSINESS having ANY influence on ANY of us at this point in time. Call it whatever you want to call it, but you are dead wrong if you think otherwise.
He can win souls in jail or prison. He can minister to those same people. However, his priority is to FIX his marriage not to provide counsel concerning FBC or any ministry. I refuse to divert his attention from fixing his marriage even if I thought he was the wisest man on earth.
He can win souls in jail or prison. He can minister to those same people. However, his priority is to FIX his marriage not to provide counsel concerning FBC or any ministry. I refuse to divert his attention from fixing his marriage even if I thought he was the wisest man on earth.
I WILL NOT allow his influence in my ministry in any way! I do not want to be a hindrance to his first two priorities of fixing his relationship with his God and his wife. No pastor or church leader should allow him ANY influence on them.
No child of God should be seeking “wisdom” on ANY matter at this point. It is what it is! Let it go! You my friend are hurting his ability to fix his relationship with his God and his wife.
No child of God should be seeking “wisdom” on ANY matter at this point. It is what it is! Let it go! You my friend are hurting his ability to fix his relationship with his God and his wife.
The biggest surprise and befuddlement to me were the doctrinal heresy that went unnoticed, or in some cases defended. Then add to that the sexual crime and to think ANYONE would follow such a man at this point is baffling. It is beyond my comprehension for Jack Schaap is not fit to influence any of us at this point.
Does that mean I think I am better than Jack Schaap. Absolutely NOT! But by the grace of God there we all would go! I am not better than a murderer on death row, a serial rapist with a life sentence, an atheist who hatefully denies the existence of God, or any other perverted piece of flesh on this planet.
However, I am not emailing or writing them for their advice! Nor, am I asking for counsel from Jack Schaap and God pity the ones who are so blinded to not realize his decision maker is broken along with his marriage.
Jack Schaap needs to hit bottom, lose his influence, have a prolonged time of brokenness for sins he has probably not even discovered. He did not just accidentally one day have sex with a teenage girl. It was a process! Leave him alone to go through the process of coming clean with himself and then with God.
First of all, the men who are restoring him will report to his church and the rest of us the process he has gone through and inform us what God is doing and has done in his life. The problem we all have here is NO ONE KNOWS who these men are IF there are any. (Galatians 6:1)
Second, he has to renounce his heretical positions on…
- The Lord’s Supper
- Tithing
- John chapter 15
- Possible devil possession of the saved
- God’s hatred of man
- The insecurity of the Holy Ghost
- The non-inspiration position on the King James Bible, etc.
Third, he will apologize and make right his personal attacks against a long list of men and women who stood against his heretical teachings.
Fourth, he will confess to FBC the errors he taught, ask forgiveness, and state the truth on these issues.
Fifth, he will confess to the filthy way he spoke to his staff and about people with vile language.
This is not just about a 16 year-old girl, although that is enough in and of itself. It was about a culture of arrogance and heresy that permeated his entire being. For those who attack me for this position, have at it. You are wrong and you need to evaluate your own thinking and logic. What I am writing is for the best of everyone including Jack Schaap.
Stop believing it is OK because Jack says so or because you need to believe it is so. It is a long way from being all right and all you are doing is prolonging it. When he writes you and says, “I can’t wait to tell my side of the story” he is not facing what he has done.
To those of you, whom I love, for whom I wrote my original article, you who are treating Jack like he is a man of wisdom and worthy to give advice or counsel. STOP BEING SO FOOLISH! Wake up!
This is not some silly mistake he made. This one of the most horrible falls of our life time. It has damaged the cause of Christ beyond measure. It has destroyed homes and split churches. It is a mess that only God’s Divine hand can repair.
I am glad Jack has won a few souls to Christ in jail because there is no telling how many souls will burn in Hell because of his despicable actions that led to his incarceration. Those of you who are still drinking his Kool Aid don’t forget that fact. The damage he brought to FBC, other churches, and to the cause of Christ far outweigh whatever good you think he did in his eleven years of pastoring.
I look for the restoration of Jack Schaap. May it be thorough and complete. May it bring honor to our LORD Jesus as Jack decreases and Christ increases.