This morning I will be driving to Shreveport to catch a flight to DFW and then on Raleigh-Durham airport. I will be preaching for one of our TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE men Pastor Charles Hamilton who pastors the GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH of Cedar Grove, NC.
I will be flying all day with a 3 hour lay over in the DFW airport. This will give me some time to work on two new books. Keep your eyes open for them. One is “JACK HYLES-THE COMMUNICATOR” and the other is “TRIAL BY FIRE-SATAN’S ATTACK ON INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCHES.” I hope you will give serious consideration to pre-ordering these books.
The response to “WHEN PRINCIPLE WAS KING” was and is still amazing. It is a 408 page hard back book with a beautiful cover. If you have not ordered this book please go to SOLVECHURCHPROBLEMS.COM and order today. Also, you will see the 30 other books I have written you may order. There are sermons you may download for free on that web site.
You can go to Amazon and order e-book form of some of my books. You may also go to SMASHWORDS.COM and download in e-book form many of my books including some new ones – JUST A THOUGHT V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X. Also, “LEADING FROM THE FRONT” and “LET’S TALK ABOUT JESUS.”